Well, the bank did not go for our offer on the house. We agreed that their counter-offer was much too high, so we decided not to agree to their offer. We are looking elsewhere for houses now. These things all work out. They did show our house Friday afternoon though and the people stayed at least an hour looking around. That made me a little nervous. If they do make a good bid and we accept, we will not really have anywhere to go. There aren't any homes here where we live that we like. We looked at some wonderful houses today, but they are in another town. Josh would have to change schools. I am just praying everything works out the way it is supposed to.
Student teaching is going good. The teacher had to leave for a family emergency one day this week, so I was alone with the class much of the day. I think everything went well, except for classroom management. It is hard to be in control when it is not your class. I have some things I am going to try. I will be taking over reading and language this week. I will probably do that for two weeks because I am having an evaluation next week. I only have social studies and math to take over after that, I will take social studies...maybe even next week and then math.
We are not doing anything special for Labor Day. Just relaxing. It is nice to have a little break. I am going to add my little birthday siggie from Susie this week since my birthday is Friday the 9th. Have a nice week!!! Happy Labor Day!!