I wish I could say I have been busy and that is why I haven't posted, but I haven't been. I have been enjoying not having to go to college classes anymore. I am still working on a second certification though, so I have been studying for that test. I take it this weekend. We also start Spring Break next week. I am so ready. We had almost every single student out at different times last week with different sicknesses and by the time it was all over all of the staff was out too. I stayed home Friday, but I was lucky and did not get as sick as everyone else. We had strep throat, flu, bronchitis, fifths disease and some other things going around. I, needless to say an taking Aireborne. So, we need some time off for the kids to get better and rest. They are back this week and seem ok.
Josh had a band competition over the weekend. The band got a 2, but he got a 1 on his clarinet solo. I am so proud of him. He acted like it was no big deal.
Karl is working and has been pretty steady for a while now. It is all well here.
I do not think I posted anything here at my blog, but I went to the dermatologist and had some things removed, but nothing serious and that is over. It was quite an experience and if you read my postings on facebook you know what I mean. I really meant to post about it here so I could remember it.
It is hard to believe it is March. The tornadoes hit Branson, but they are getting it cleaned up. I am concerned about what Spring weather is going to be like.
Well, I better go. I will try to make visits over Spring Break next week. I am looking forward to it.