1. When is the last time you went out to a meal with someone special?
Tell us about it. My son just started a job a few months ago, so end of April,
my husband, his parents and I went to eat at the restaurant he works at.
It is a Mexican restaurant called La Fiesta. They have fantastic food!
We were also celebrating me going back to the Primary school next year to
teach regular ed. preschool. I have always taught special education preschool,
so this will be a little different for me. If I learned anything this year though,
it is that I can do way more than I thought. I am very excited to get my
classroom set up.
2. Show us a picture of your favorite cuisine. I enjoy Mexican food and I always
have burritos. This is the burrito grande where my son works...La Fiesta.
3. What is the funniest thing a man/woman has said to you lately?
I can't think of anything. I am on Summer break, so I have been taking
some time away from people. I have been cleaning house and reading.
4. What makes a gentleman a gentleman in today’s dating world? Are there any
left? Opening doors, putting the lady first. Good manners in general.
I do think there are guys like that out there.
5. Is there anything you won’t tolerate when out to dinner with your significant other?
Loud talking and rudeness. My husband's family is weird to eat out with
sometimes and he had to be taught how to act. I will not tolerate it.
I think there is a question later where I can elaborate. I know I sound like
a stuck up snob, but I just like to enjoy myself and not have to feel like my
evening is ruined or hurting people's feelings for no reason. I worked in
fast food when I was young and I know how ugly people can be.
6. What type of ambiance do you enjoy in an eating establishment? I kind of like
a light/ relaxed atmosphere at this point in my life. I enjoyed the more
romantic when I was younger.
7. Tell us about the worst public dining experience you ever had, whether it be a
date or with your family. Like I said, my husband's family is embarrassing
to eat out with. They complain about food to get free food....like they make
a scene. I do not go out with them unless I have to. They did good when we
ate out at Josh's work. If the order is wrong, I will politely let the waiter know,
but I do NOT throw a fit and I never expect free food.
8. What is the lamest or rudest thing a man/woman has said to you lately?
I am not sure.
9. Are you a good tipper? I try.
10. Do you ask for doggie bags when you leave food on your plate at a restaurant?
I definitely do. I typically love the food at restaurants and I will take it home
and finish it up at a later time.
11. What is your pet peeve about restaurants and dining out in general?
I don't think I have pet peeves about dining out...unless my in-laws are with us.
It is mostly Karl's mom and his sisters.
12. Do you prefer to order yourself or do you ever let your significant other order
for you? I order myself.
13. Describe your most intimate romantic dinner ever. (fantasy or real)
This was a real meal. My boyfriend at the time had planned a Valentine's
dinner at an Italian restaurant. It was a very romantic atmosphere with
candles lit at the tables. I dressed up in my "little black dress"...this was in
the early 90's... and he wore his suit. I also had my hair done at a salon.
It was a nice evening.
14. Do you enjoy piano bars? I have only been maybe one time, but I liked
it very much.
15. If you could go anywhere in the world for dinner, where would it be and who
would you be with? I am going to say Italy with my mom and Josh.