
Friday, July 26, 2024

Saturday 9: Nevertheless (I'm in Love with You)


Saturday 9: Nevertheless (I'm in Love with You) 1969

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Liza Minnelli acknowledges that she may be "taking a terrible chance." Have you done anything risky lately?  Not that I can think of.

2) In 1969, when Liza recorded this song, she was 23 and her career was really beginning to take off. She was a sought-after guest on TV talk and variety shows and received her first Oscar nomination. Give us a quick overview of your life at 23.  I had moved to the city (Kansas City).  I always wanted to live in the big city when I was a kid.  I did love it there, but it was too expensive for me to live alone (I was single), so I moved to Springfield, MO...medium city.   I am glad I was able to do that because now I am totally happy in the country and I do not have to think "what if".  I worked with the mentally handicapped in a group home setting.  I loved it.  I stopped working with the mentally handicapped when I got married...I wanted to work daytime hours.  That is how I started working in schools and later went back to school for my education hours.

3) Also in 1969, the first Gap store was opened in San Francisco. What have you recently added to your wardrobe? If yes, where did you buy it?  I ordered some clothes for school and home too from Bloom Chic.

4) Liza says she always has apple juice in her refrigerator. What's something you're certain to have in your frig?  Pepsi and water.

5) Liza's favorite card game is poker. What's yours? Poker, maybe I should say Uno..I haven't played Poker since college.

6) Though Liza recorded the song in 1969, "Nevertheless (I'm in Love with You)" was written way back in 1931. It has been recorded more than 50 times by artists as diverse as Bing Crosby, Andy Gibb and Bob Dylan. Before today, had you heard it?  no, but I can guarantee you Josh has and it is probably a favorite.  Please say a little prayer or send good thoughts for him if you would.  He LOVES Sandy Posey and she passed away early this week from complications of Alzheimer's and he has taken it kind of hard.  He watched my dad go through that too, it is rough.  He didn't know Sandy was sick until last week...he is friends on facebook with her husband Wade and that is how he found out.  He shared his love for her music with Wade over the years and Wade shared with Sandy.  

7) "Nevertheless (I'm in Love with You)" is credited to Bert Kalmer and his partner, Harry Ruby. Another one of their hits was "Who's Sorry Now?" Do you owe anyone an apology?  I hope not.  I have been home a lot this week.

8) Together they also wrote "Hooray for Captain Spaulding," sung onscreen by Groucho Marx in the movie Animal Crackers. There were five Marx Brothers in all. How many can you name?  none

9) Random question: Do you believe talking to plants helps them grow?  I believe that!  

Friday, July 19, 2024

Saturday 9: Disco Duck


Saturday 9: Disco Duck (1976)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Rick Dees begins by describing a party where he can't resist that disco beat. What's the last party you attended? Was there dancing?  I am guessing it was a party at school with staff, but no dancing.

2) While this record was a massive international hit in 1976, it got off to an inauspicious start. Rick Dees said it took him less than a day to write the song, and more than three months to convince anyone to let him record it. Tell us about a time you were tempted to give up, but were glad you didn't.  I almost gave up on teaching, but I am so glad I didn't.

3) In the hit movie Saturday Night Fever, students are briefly seen learning to dance to "Disco Duck." Can you name another song from Saturday Night Fever no, I don't even think I have seen that movie.

4) Dees was already a top disc jockey in Memphis when "Disco Duck" was released. With the record's success, his radio career soared and he got a better job reaching a greater audience at a radio station in Los Angeles. Are there any disc jockeys you loyally listened to every day?  When I was young, the local DJ here was Woody P. Snow.  I listened to him or America's Top 40 on the weekend with Casey Kasem .

5) After more than 20 years, Rick lost his regular radio slot to Ryan Seacrest. But he still shares "the hottest music on the planet" through the Rick Dees Hit Music app (available at the Apple App Store or Google Play). What app have you recently downloaded to your phone?  Google Classroom ( I usually just look online, but decided why not have it on my phone).  There is a lot of information in there for school from our administrators.  I also have google drive, this gives me access to work stuff.

6) He used his favorite radio format to create a cookbook called Rick Dees All-Time Top 40 Greatest Desserts. If you could finish a delicious meal with the dessert of your choice, anything at all, what would you order?  There is a little tea house here that has homemade desserts.  She makes the best cake I have ever had.  I would choose some of her cake.  The one I had last was coconut cake.

7) In 1976, when "Disco Duck" was a hit, The Bionic Woman premiered on ABC. Because of her "bionic parts," Jamie Summers could run super fast, had super-sensitive hearing, and super-human strength. If you could have one of those qualities enhanced -- speed, hearing or strength -- which would you choose?  I think I would choose strength.  I feel as I age, I am getting weaker.  I do not need to be that fast and I can hear really well.

8) Also in 1976, like this year, the world got together for The Summer Olympics. Will you be following the international competition?  Absolutely!  I love the Olympics!

9) Random question: You're bone tired, exhausted, and you have an early day tomorrow. As you wash your face and brush your teeth before bed, one of the two bulbs in the bathroom fixture goes out. Do you 1) change the bulb before bed or 2) promise yourself to do it in a hurry tomorrow as you're rushing around in the morning or 3) decide you can live with one bulb for a while, go to bed, and replace the burned-out bulb when you get around it? #3..I would do it later.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday 4 Meme- Trouble Right here in River City


Trouble Right here in River City

 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we strive to interest you with 4 questions each week.

"ya got trouble my friend, right here I say trouble right here in River City..." the music man

Problems come to us all and you don't even need to live in River City!

Some you can solve, some you can't. Some scare you.    For instance, on Facebook I lost a lot of people from my friends list and I have no idea why. It was enough people to make me think it was a glitch but then I was too shy to ask people if they had gotten rid of me because they just don't like I did nothing.    What about your problems?

1. Do you think that you handle problems well over all?  I do the best I can.  I think I do a pretty good job.

2. What kinds of problems send you into a tizzy or downright scare you? Maybe some just exasperate you?  medical/health.  I worry every single time I have to go to the doctor that something is going to be very wrong.  So far so good though.  I went to the doctor today and just a medication adjustment for my thyroid, other than that he said I looked good.  

3. We always have God in our corner but besides him do you have a reliable back up system to go to for help with car trouble, home repairs and maintenance, or any troubles that may arise for you?  My husband takes care of that stuff.

4 I love the idea that a lovely cupcake can fix anything at all.  "Oh, you are sick? Just eat a dozen of these delicious cupcakes and you will be right as rain!"      What foods, places, music or whatever can make a problem  seem easier to handle?    I guess we are talking about what brings you comfort in the way of material things.  I have never had a "comfort food", but music can help take my mind off things and being at home, even taking a nap helps.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Sunday Stealling - Summer


Sunday Stealling - Summer

 Stolen from SwapBot

1. What is the hottest temperature you've seen this summer so far?   mid 90's F

2. What is your favorite summer beverage?  Sweet Tea

3. Have you seen any fireflies/lightning bugs yet? Cicadas?  yes to fireflies.  I never did see the 

cicadas or hear them.  My husband heard them when he was out.

4. What are the last 3 things you bought online?  lesson plan book, paper mate felt tip pens for

 work, pajama shirt.

5. Where do locals go to cool off?  the lake, pools or a water park called White Water.  Many

 just stay in out of the heat or go to the movies.

6. Where did you buy your last postcard and what was on the pc?  We do not travel much, but I think

we picked up a post car when we went to Disney World, but that was 20 years ago, so I don't

remember what it looked like.

7. What's your favorite summertime scent?  Fresh Linen from B&B

8. What kind of a/c do you have - central, room, fans only, chillers, none and what temperature do you set it to?

We have central heat and air and we have ceiling fans.  The temperature is set at 72º.

9. Do you have a summer vacation planned and if so, where are you really going??  no plans

10. What are your favorite summer activities?  swimming/tanning, but I don't do that much anymore.

11.  What's your favorite summertime food?  BLT

12. Did you ever go to summer school?  no, they didn't offer it when I was a kid...I don't think they 

did anyway.  I would have wanted to go.  I loved school.

13. What's your favorite summertime memory?  We just had this question...probably our trip to 

Orange Beach, Alabama.

14. Do you like fireworks?  Love them, but they scare my dog.

15. How do you feel about the longer days of summer?  I love long days!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Saturday 9: Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer


Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer

Saturday 9: Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer (1963)

 Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Nat King Cole sings about enjoying "soda and pretzels and beer." Which of those three would we find in your kitchen right now?  soda

2) The lyrics mention a romantic movie. Which movie couple do you believe had onscreen chemistry?  Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.

3) He wishes "summer could always be here." How has your summer been so far?  busy

4) According to the song, a great warm weather meal includes sandwiches and weinies. Tell us about your perfect sandwich or, if you prefer, what you believe is the ideal way to dress a hot dog.  I am not much of a sandwich fan, but when I do have one, I prefer a warm sandwich.  I like a warm Club sandwich.

5) Nat was a big baseball fan. Growing up in Chicago he played sandlot games and listened to Cubs games on the radio. As an adult he was a season ticket holder at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. Do you enjoy playing/watching baseball or softball?  I am currently watching the Cubs/Cardinals game.  I haven't been watching baseball much this summer, but I do enjoy the Cubs and Cardinals.  Tomorrow night the game will be called by Joe Buck and Chip Caray.  I am so excited.  They tried to do this earlier in the season and it rained, I grabbed a picture last time.  I hope we get to listen to them Saturday. ♥  It is of course a throw back to Jack Buck and Harry Carey.

6) The lyrics of this week's song were written by Charlie Tobias, who wanted to create a sense of nostalgia for summers gone by. Share one of your special summer memories.  Probably my favorite summer memory was when my sisters-in-law and I and our boys all went to Orange Beach, Alabama.  We had so much fun.  We went to San Antonio a different year.

7) In 1963, one of the best-selling books was Happiness Is a Warm Puppy by Charles Schultz. The cover showed Lucy giving Snoopy a big hug. Name another character from the Peanuts comic strip.  Charlie Brown, Peppermint Patty, Woodstock, Schroeder.  I love Peanuts.

8) Also in 1963, men were wearing thin, solid-color ties. Later in the decade, ties would become wider, patterned and more colorful. Where do you turn to keep up with fashion trendsI watch what the trendy people at work wear.  I look for things that I would like and be comfortable in.

9) Random question: Would you rather be a cowboy or a pirate?  cowboy...I am watching Heartland this summer on Netflix.  I love it.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Tuesday 4 Meme- Roses



 Here is another of Tuesday 4 invented by Toni Taddeo and kept alive in her memory.     White June is the month of roses, they do bloom all summer long and well past September in many places.

1. What is your favorite color of roses? Do you have a favorite kind of rose?  I love any natural color for roses.  I am not a fan of the ones that have been dyed.  My Grandma had a rosebush, and the roses were kind of orange/red and smelled really good.  They were beautiful.  I am not sure what kind they were.  Sort of like this one.

2. Do you ever buy flowers for your home?  Karl buys flowers sometimes for me and every now and then the kids at school will bring me a bouquet.  Usually wild flowers or carnations.  Karl gets roses.  I buy flowers for our yard.

3. Are there any roses in your yard or neighborhood? If not what kind of things grow around you?  We have a miniature red rose bush.  They are hard to grow here in Missouri, well they are hard for me to grow anyway.  We have a lot of rocks in our soil from all of the caves.

4. What do you see when you look out your front door?   How about out your kitchen window or back door?  front door- trees/flowers the road and neighbors' home.  Kitchen window-back yard/privacy fence.  Back door- side of yard and privacy fence. Here is the view from the front of the house.

This is the backyard (on the right)...part of it, the view from the kitchen window.  We have a pretty big yard, and we are surrounded with trees.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday Stealing - What's your favorite?


Sunday Stealing - What's your favorite?

 Stolen from SwapBot

1. What's your favorite animal?   Dog

2. What's your favorite book?  so many

3. What's your favorite color?  all of them

4. What's your favorite dessert? pie

5. What's your favorite drink?  Pepsi or Sweet Tea

6. What's your favorite food?  Mexican

7. What's your favorite hobby?  reading

8. What's your favorite movie? I don't think, I have one.

9. What's your favorite restaurant?  El Lago

10. What's your favorite sandwich?  club

11. What's your favorite season? fall

12. What's your favorite series? Heartland

13. What's your favorite snack? whales or goldfish

14. What's your favorite sport to watch?  baseball and football

15. What's your favorite thing to have for breakfast?  eggs/toast/hashbrowns

Friday, July 5, 2024

Saturday 9: The Star Spangled Banner


The Star Spangled Banner

Saturday 9: The Star Spangled Banner (1991)
... because Thursday was the 4th of July and we're still celebrating!

Unfamiliar with this Whitney's rendition? Hear it here.

1) Whitney Houston originally performed this in front of over 73,000 at the 1991 Super Bowl. What's the biggest crowd you have ever been in?  It would probably be when we visited Disney World.  Average attendance is 57,000.

2) Whitney's version of The National Anthem was released 10 years later, after 9/11, and the proceeds went to support New York's first responders. It was her last Top Ten single. What's your favorite Whitney Houston song?  I Wanna Dance with Somebody.  I Will Always Love You belongs to Dolly as a favorite (for me).

3) Whitney's friends recall she loved lavender -- both the color and the scent. What's your favorite color? What's your favorite scent? I love all of the colors.  My favorite scents are bakery scents.  My house has a lot of bakery smell candles.  Cinnamon Pumpkin, Hot apple pie, sugar cookie. 

4) Whitney had a sweet tooth and loved Fruity Pebbles. If you reached for a snack right now, would it be sweet or salty?  I feel like salty right now.

5) Whitney's grave marker bears the words, "I Will Always Love You," so clearly her family is proud of her best-selling recording. How would you like to be remembered?  Someone who cares deeply about my family and friends...a teacher who loved her students.

6) Going back to 1991, when this recording was first popular, consumers who had a cell phones likely had flip phones. Technology has come a long way, hasn't it? What did you most recently use your cell phone for? (Calling, texting, looking something up, taking a photo, posting on your blog or social media ...) I think it was to look something up.  I am always looking things up.

7) In 1777, Colonists celebrated July 4 with the firing of cannons and muskets, followed by a public reading of the Declaration of Independence. What did your neighborhood do to celebrate the 4th of July?  We watched the fireworks on tv from New York...Macy's.   When it was over the neighbors started setting off fireworks.  We had storms in the background and storms later, but some fireworks were set off.  I bet we have round two tomorrow night and Saturday.

8) The Revolutionary War still raged during that summer of 1777. General George Washington allowed his soldiers to celebrate with a double ration of run on July 4. Do you know anyone who is serving in the military this 4th of July?  My nephew is in the military and is in officer training school right now.  He graduates soon.

9) Celebrity chef Rachael Ray says she considers mini-hamburgers, or "sliders," the All-American food. What will/did you dine on to celebrate the 4th of July?  Fried chicken, mashed potatoes/gravy, corn on the cob, hot rolls.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tuesday 4 Meme- Summertime



 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4  July is here and summer is underway.  

1. What are you doing for the  4th of July holiday? If you don't celebrate what plans do you have that day?  My dog Meisha is very afraid of fireworks, so we stay home and close to her so she has us there when the big booms start.   We just bought a new washer and dryer, so I think  Karl is going to get the old ones out of the house that day and I can clean up the laundry room and get it ready for the new ones being delivered next Tuesday.

2. Are you planning a holiday , get away or just day trips  this summer? Where will you go?  What will you do?  I went to St. Louis a few weeks ago for several days for a teacher conference, but there were 10 of us there and we had so much fun.  We went bowling one night and we ate at nice restaurants.  We stayed at a really nice hotel by the arch.  Unfortunately, that was probably my vacation.  It was fun though.  We learned a lot too.

3. Do you  like to go out for ice cream in summer or do you just eat it at home? What flavor and what brand gets your endorsement?  I am not super picky with ice cream.  I think we get Blue Bunny.  We have butter pecan, cookies and cream and brownie ice cream right now.  It is funny, we only seem to buy ice cream in the summer.  We go out sometimes for ice cream too.  Not that often.

4. What activities are most enjoyable for you in the summertime? travel?  reading? movies? gardening? beach time?   reading is what I enjoy in the summer.  I need to be getting ready for school though...making daily schedule, etc.

If you are reading, do you have some books chosen?  I am currently reading This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune and a teacher book called No Drama Discipline.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Saturday 9: I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive


I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive

Saturday 9: I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive (1952)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Hank Williams sings that his fishing pole is broke and the creek is full of sand. OK, so he can't spend his Saturday fishing. What are your Saturday plans?  I don't really have plans, so I will probably read a little.  Karl is taking my car to have tint put on my windows, so I am excited about that.

2) He regrets how shabby his shoes are. Do you shop for shoes online, or do you prefer going to the store and trying them on?  I prefer to try them on unless it is tennis shoes, I buy the same brand every time and I know the size.  I would and have ordered those online.

3) This was the last Hank Williams song to be released during his lifetime. Though he was only 29 when he died, he left an enduring mark on American music and is considered one of country music's greatest singer/songwriters. Who is your favorite country music performer?  I don't really listen to country music, so I will go back to when I did and say Garth Brooks.

4) Elvis was a big fan and his favorite Hank Williams song was "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry." What's your favorite Elvis song?  Oh gosh.  My mom was one of those crazy Elvis fans and so growing up hearing his music, I really like a lot of it.  I will say though that when I listen to him sing How Great Thou makes me cry.  His voice is so beautiful and the song is so powerful.  I enjoy Hound Dog a lot.  I really enjoy his voice.

5) Johnny Cash was a big Hank Williams fan, too. He performed Hank's gospel song, "I Saw the Light" often in concert and during his guest starring role in a 1974 episode of Columbo. Did you watch Columbo, or do you stream it or catch it in reruns?  no

6) Hank was a prolific songwriter, composing songs on his guitar and then printing the lyrics by hand on notepaper. He never learned to read music. Can you read music?  not really, I can follow along and know music notes and rests, but as far as knowing what the note sounds  I taught myself to play piano music from choir (from memory) when I was young, but I haven't played in years.

7) When he was a teen, Hank sang and played his guitar on the sidewalk in front of a local radio station, making a little money and hoping to be discovered. His plan worked and he was occasionally invited in to play with the radio station's house band. Were you a hard-working teen?  I was!  I started working when I was 15...not babysitting...I did that too for a year or so.  I have been working ever since.  I loved working and had fun with my friends.

8) Hank suffered from a congenital spinal condition and began self-medicating with alcohol during his teen years. He was warned against this early on by country superstar Ray Acuff, but Hank was unable to deal with the pain without liquor. Can you recall wise advice you wish you'd taken, but didn't?  When my dad had Alzheimer's and was still living, he told me I needed to lose some weight, that it was easier to lose when you did not have so much to lose.  I did work out all of the time trying to lose weight, but I couldn't lose weight.  After he died, I decided to go to the doctor and I had/have thyroid problems and I was going into perimenopause.  I have struggled ever since.  I do wish I could have lost weight.  I guess I wish I wouldn't have given up.

9) Random question: What's your favorite Mexican food?  burritos

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday 4 Meme- Taco Tuesday


Taco Tuesday

 Hey there... Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

I hope your week went well.  

Taco Tuesday was coined by a Taco John's owner back in 1980 when he needed to jack up sales for Tuesday the slowest day of the week.   His franchise began offering 2 tacos for 99¢.  It was a huge hit and Taco Tuesday became a big hit in America.  But it's original name was Taco Twos Day.

Could we look at Tuesday a bit?

1. Do you take part in this nationwide ritual and have tacos on Tuesday or do you like them any old time?  The school where I teach has Taco Tuesday, or what I call Taco Tuesday...they serve some type of Mexican food, so in that way I participate, but at home we have tacos any time.  I am always up for Mexican food.

2. This particular Taco John's was in Wyoming.  Does your state have a favorite fast food place and do you like eating there?  Taco Bell I guess would be the fast food one around here.  We usually go to a restaurant chain here that is not fast, but you get more food for not much more price.  It is called Mexican Villa. I answered this wrong, when I looked up favorite fast food for my area it says Dominos...which is pizza.

3. Taco Tuesday was trademarked in 1989 in 49 states except New Jersey where the Gregory Hotel owns that trademark.  Taco Bell wants to sue over the use of the term.  What do you think about that?  I think everyone says Taco Tuesday now.  I think Taco Bell suing is a little silly.

4. How do you like your tacos? Soft or hard shell? Hot, medium or mild salsa? Cheese? Sour cream?  I prefer soft tacos, mild sauce with cheese and sour cream.   I will eat hard shells too.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Saturday 9: God Bless America


God Bless America

Saturday 9: God Bless America

1) Memorial Day was introduced after the Civil War. Originally called Decoration Day, this is when memorials, as well as the graves of veterans, are to be decorated with flags and flowers on this day to show our appreciation. Is there a war memorial in your neighborhood?  Not that I am aware of.

2) Andrew Johnson, our 17th President, was in office the first time Memorial/Decoration Day was celebrated. Have you ever met one of our Presidents?  no

3) According to the AAA, more than 30 million Americans will hit the road this weekend and drive more than 50 miles. Will you be traveling far from home this weekend?  no plans to at this time.

4) Memorial Day kicks off the summer season. What's your favorite picnic food?  fried chicken, potato salad, baked beans, rolls

5) As you answer these questions, is there an air conditioner or fan on?  oh yes.  We have been having severe weather (tornadoes) off and on for a few weeks.  It is very humid here and in the 80's.

6) Though she's belting out one of America's best loved patriotic songs, Deanna Durbin was born in Canada. Is there anyone in your family or circle of friends who wasn't born in the USA?  no

7) No longer a household name, Ms. Durbin was once one of the biggest stars in the country. One of her most popular films was 1937's One Hundred Men and a Girl, which was nominated for a Best Picture Oscar. Recommend a movie that you really like, but don't think many Saturday 9ers have seen.  Nothing is coming to mind.  I am not a huge movie person.  I have been streaming on Netflix the past several weeks.  I think you guys would enjoy everything I have been watching...Outlander, Sweet Magnolias, Ozark, Virgin River, Bridgerton.

8) Back in 1938, Deanna Durbin had her handprints cemented in front of the TCL Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd. Have you ever visited that Los Angeles tourist attraction?  no

9) Random question: What food did you hate as a child, but enjoy now?  Chinese food.

I remember my Uncle Gary on Memorial Day killed in Vietnam:

I have been so busy lately.  We just finished our school year, but before that I was doing some training for school and we were planning Pre-K graduation.  We also had a lot of events we were doing at school for the kids.  It was fun, but now I will hopefully be around a little more.  I have several books ready to go.  I do have a training in St. Louis for school in a few weeks, but it is during the week, so hopefully I can do memes.

I couldn't get my blogger to edit my graphic or the pink background, I am out of practice or something.  Have a nice weekend.