Live Journal
1. Who is the hottest celebrity you can think of? Kevin Costner and Cole Hauser were nice
to look at while I was watching Yellowstone! Any fans out there in blog land? This would
be a great show to binge for you if not! It is on Paramount Network.

2. Do you ever get so nervous that you can't even think? So, on the first day of school I was
teaching my computer class. I have never taught computers ever in my life. My certification
is in early childhood special education and early childhood (birth-3rd grade). So here I am
teaching away and in walks our media guy to take pictures. So I was reading a book and my
arm was in the way. I was trying tog et my arm out of the way so Ben (the media guy) could get a
picture and I turn around and in walks the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent.
Ok, so I did kind of freeze because a lot of times, they just want to observe and that is fine,
but they wanted to say hello to the kids and I had kept reading. I was so embarrassed.
I stopped though and told them we were enjoying our first day back in school.
3. Do you sing when there is no music? Totally, all of the time. There is usually a song
playing in my head.
4.Who was the best political leader in history and why? I will go with Abraham Lincoln...
4.Who was the best political leader in history and why? I will go with Abraham Lincoln...
here is what the internet had to say about him: was an American statesman and
lawyer who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 to 1865.
Lincoln led the nation through its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis
in the American Civil War.

5 If you could dance with anyone in the world right now, who would it be and what song would you dance to?
My dad and I don't even care what is playing. I just want to see him again.
He passed away 3 years ago.
6 Finish this sentence your own way. There are two types of people in the world... good and bad
7 What have you saved since elementary school? I have a dollhouse my Grandpa made me.
6 Finish this sentence your own way. There are two types of people in the world... good and bad
7 What have you saved since elementary school? I have a dollhouse my Grandpa made me.
I love that thing. I played with it all of the time when I was little. I still have it.
I never had a girl to pass it on to, but I have it.
8 Have you ever won an award? This sure is a popular question.
9. Do you feel more connected to the sun or the moon? both, but I will say sun since it
makes me so happy.
10 Do flaws make people interesting to you? YES! That is what makes them unique.
11 Who is your favorite historical figure? Jesus
12. White bread or wheat bread? I like both as long as the bread is fresh.
13. Do you usually do things fast or right? I do things fast first and then I go back over it and do it right.
10 Do flaws make people interesting to you? YES! That is what makes them unique.
11 Who is your favorite historical figure? Jesus
12. White bread or wheat bread? I like both as long as the bread is fresh.
13. Do you usually do things fast or right? I do things fast first and then I go back over it and do it right.
If it is a one and done thing, I do it right. I have been writing schedules for school, and I have been
doing those fast, but going back over them and updating them.
14. Are you or have you ever been in a band? school band, but I don't think that is what the question
is asking. I have never been in a band.
15. Here are 4 statements about me. Only one of them is true. Which one is it?
My favorite color is green.
I lived in Arkansas.
I own a truck.
I am turning 50 on September 9!
(Answer at the bottom)
16. Would you wear a thong bathing suit in public? never
17. Have you thought about death today? no
18. What is your favorite breakfast? eggs, toast, bacon and orange juice
19. Are you the life of the party? no, not at all.
20. If you hit an animal with your car would you get out to try and make sure it was okay? If it is a pet
I would or a non threatening animal. I have only hit one animal and it was a coyote or something
like that. I didn't check on it.
21. When do you get your most peaceful and satisfying sleep? Friday night. I am so dead tired by
Friday night. I go right to sleep and I get to sleep in too.
22. What thought gets you out of bed in the morning? I have to be at work soon.
23. What are you a member of? MSTA (Missouri State Teachers Association)
24. Name one place you refuse to ever go. a snake pit, I am scared to death of snakes.
25. When (and if) people (or animals) go to heaven, do they become angels? no, I believe they join the
angels in heaven, but as humans. Angels are different and were created for a different purpose.
I really want to believe my dogs will be in heaven, but I just do not know. I do believe God knows
the desires of our hearts and it might happen. I hope so, I miss my Mandy so much.
#15...The last one is true! I am turning 50 soon. I actually love all colors, I have lived in
Missouri and Kansas, but not Arkansas and I drive a white Toyota Camry.