
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tuesday 4 Meme- What.. Where...How?


What.. Where...How?

 Hey, it's time for Tuesday 4 and I am so happy to see you back again.    

Let's ask ourselves some questions.

1. What was the worst date you ever went on?  When I was in college I met this guy at orientation.  He asked me out to dinner, so I went.  He took me back to his house to watch tv.  It was a perfectly innocent date, but there was a mouse in his house and I was already freaked out to be in a guy's house that I just met.  I was so ready to go home.  I never went out with him again.

2. How was the nicest date you ever had?  It would probably be with my husband, but it was our first date.  He took me to a really nice restaurant and then we went to the theater.  I believe we saw Music Man.  We both love the theater.  We were able to get dressed up and we had fun.

3. Where did you grow up and how did you like it? Are you far away from there now?  I grew up in a town called Reeds Spring.  I loved it there.  We were close to Table Rock Lake and it is so pretty there.  I live about 20 minutes away from there, but I work in that town as a teacher, so I am there almost everyday.  My mom still lives there too.  This is a picture from the area I grew up in.

4.  What did kids do for fun and dates you were young?  We mostly went to dinner and a movie for dates.  We would go cruising in Branson with friends for fun.  We also went boating on the lake.  Branson is a fun town to do things at and also Silver Dollar City, which is where Josh works.  It is a theme park.  Lots of fun and lots of things to do.


Friday, January 27, 2023

Saturday 9: On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe


On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe

Saturday 9: On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe (1946)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Judy Garland sings about the train whistle and wheels. What sounds make you happy?  favorite songs, I also like train whistles, birds singing, Josh's voice.  
2) She tells us that, since she loves dreaming of train travel, she must have "a little gypsy in her heart." How about you? Do you often dream of visiting faraway places?  I would love to travel, but my husband never wants to travel.

3) Judy sings about a future when she's "old and gray and settled down." At what age do you consider a person is old?  The age I consider a person to be old gets older as I do.

4) This song is from the movie, The Harvey Girls. Filming was a time of stress for Judy. She was appearing before the cameras by day (she sprained her ankle in a scene where slips down a hill), recording the soundtrack by night, and dealing with lawyers regarding her divorce from composer David Rose. Yet watching the movie, none of the tension shows. Do you work well under pressure?  I think I do.

5) Judy relaxed on the set by knitting and would make blankets and caps for the children of crew members. Do you knit?  no, I wish I did.
6) Judy admitted she had a problem with tardiness. Do you strive to be prompt?  I always try to be early.
7) In 1946, when this song was on the radio, cigarette cases were very popular. Since these metal cases were standard issue in the Army during WWII, many soldiers got into the habit of using them and continued to after the war ended. Women often carried fabric or leather cigarette cases that closed with a clasp like a coin purse. In the 1940s, elegant cigarette cases were a fashionable gift but today, they are largely forgotten. Did you ever carry one? Do you know anyone who did?  I have never smoked.  My mom smoked and had one of these cases, but I always hated the smell so much, I never even wanted to try smoking.  The smell still makes me sick.  My mom smoked a lot.  She finally did quit when Josh was born.
8) Also in 1946, bikinis appeared for the first time on runways in Paris. How often did you don swimwear during 2022?  zero times.  I had a pool for a long time, but do not have it anymore.  I haven't been out in a swimsuit in a long time.

9) Random question: Thinking of your past romantic involvements, were you truly in love with one of them, some of them, or all of them?  Probably two.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tuesday 4 Meme- Home Sweet Home


Home Sweet Home

a 1939 Living Room
 Welcome once again to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4
where we hope you will stretch your mind, your imagination and your friendships online by sharing a bit of yourself with others.

This week the subject is Your Home .

1. What kind of home do you have and does it need repair or improvements this year?  We live in a single family home, I think it would be considered a bungalow.

2. How do you accessorize your home inside and out?    Plants, art, books, wall hangings, maybe music in the background?  I have several wall hangings and pictures on the walls.  It has a country feel to it.  I rarely play music in the house anymore, but sometimes the tv is on.  If I am alone, it is quiet.

3. What objects reside on your coffee table? Night stand? Side tables? Kitchen/Dining table?   My side table has a small lamp, a candle, a picture of Josh and a couple Colleen Hoover books.   

4.  Do you like your kitchen organized and with counters cleared off or do you prefer to have out the things you use often?     Do you mind  what some might see as clutter or do you hate having to dig out tools and appliances  when it comes time to use them? and prefer to have them within easy reach?  I like cleared off counters, but we do not have a lot of space, so there are things sitting on the counters.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Saturday 9: Kiss



Saturday 9: Kiss (1986)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this week's song, Prince insists there's no particular sign he's more compatible with. Do you take astrology seriously?  Not at all.

2) He tells his prospective lover there's no need to be flirty. Are you a good flirt?  no

3) He refers to the nighttime soap opera Dynasty. Were you a fan?  I do not think I ever watched it.  We had an antenna and only a few channels came in well enough to watch.  The channel Dynasty was on was fuzzy, so we didn't watch.

4) "Kiss" was recorded at Sunset Sound Recorders in Hollywood. Built by Walt Disney Studio, it's the studio where the soundtracks to Mary Poppins and 101 Dalmatians were recorded. When you think of Disney movies, what's the first song that comes to mind?  It's A Small World.

5) Prince said he was "obsessed" with Mozart and read everything he could find about the master. Do you often read biographies? If yes, who was the last one about?  I like to read fiction.

6) He loved snacking while watching a movie in the theater and would mix Goobers (chocolate-covered peanuts) with his popcorn. When you go to the movies, do you visit the concession counter?  Not as often as before, but sometimes we get this combo that has a small popcorn a small drink and some kind of candy.

7) In 1986, when this song was popular, Peewee's Playhouse premiered. While ostensibly for children, this show had many, many adult viewers. Do you ever watch kids' shows today?  I teach 4-5 year olds, so sometimes we turn on a cartoon during indoor recess.

8) Also in 1986, Sears shoppers were painting their interior walls with "Country Clover," a pale beige with a hint of pink. What color is the room you're in right now?  Well, that is really close to the same color as in my living room.  Maybe we need to pick a color not from 1986.  I like it though.

9) Random question: Do you enjoy pressing the pedal to the metal and driving fast?  yes, so I use cruise control, but it is set a few miles faster than the speed limit.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Sunday Stealing- Favorites


1. What is your favorite accent?  Australian

2. What is your favorite animal?  dog

3. What is your favorite band?  The Cars

4. What is your favorite childhood book? The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane 

by Kate DiCamillo

5. What is your favorite color?  all of them

6. What is your favorite drink? Pepsi or Sweet Tea

7. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? vanilla

8. What is your favorite place on the planet?  anywhere with my family

9. What is your favorite sandwich?  club

10. What is your favorite swear word?  dang it, crap

11. What is your favorite thing to wear?  yoga pants, t-shirt and tennis shoes.

12. What is your favorite food to eat on a rainy day? potato soup

13. What is your favorite food to eat on a sunny day?  BLT

14. What is your favorite number?  I don't have one.

15. What is your favorite snack?  crackers of some kind for salty and chocolate for sweet.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Tuesday 4 Meme- Out West...


Out West...

 Howdy Partners... welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Today let's talk about  the West.

1. Got some favorite Cowboy or western movies or TV shows you have liked?  I currently watch Yellowstone and I love that one.  My dad watched a lot of westerns.  The ones he watched were pretty good.

2.  Ever been to a rodeo or horse show of any kind?  I have been to the rodeo a few times.  I went to a horse show once.  I think we were with friends at the horse show.  I don't remember much about it.

3. Can you ride a horse or would you like to try?  Yes, I have been riding with a saddle and bareback too.  It has been a few years though.  The last time I rode I was sore.  It works a lot of muscles.

4.  How would a vacation on a dude ranch suit you?  I would like it, but I would only do relaxing things.  

Friday, January 6, 2023

Saturday 9: What's New, Pussycat?


Saturday 9: What's New, Pussycat? (1965)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Welcome to the first Saturday 9 of 2023.

1) In this song, Tom Jones wants to know what's new in his girl's life. Here at Saturday 9, we're concentrating on the new year. What do you hope will be new and different in your life during 2023?  I would like to go and do more non work-related things this year with my family.
2) He sings that he has flowers for his special girl. Are there fresh flowers in your home right now?  I still have poinsettias in my house.
3) He also wants to spend hours with her. What is something you'd like to spend more time doing in 2023? I had mentioned in another meme or blog post that I did not have much to look forward to this year and that I was apprehensive about the New Year.  I need some things to look forward to, like a day trip or going to a movie.  It does not need to cost a lot of money, but set some things up.  I think Josh would enjoy Memphis and that is not far from where we live.

4) Before his music career took off, Tom Jones supported himself by selling vacuum cleaners. Could your home benefit from a once-over with a vacuum right now?  It could always benefit from a once over with a vacuum, but it isn't too bad.
5) Memorabilia from Tom's 1990 world tour was available eBay and the bids went up to $599 a jacket worn by the stage crew. Have you ever bought anything at an auction (online or otherwise)?  no

6) Tom's adult grandson, Alex, represented Wales in rifle shooting in the Commonwealth Games. Is there a sport you'd like to try, or get better at, in 2023?  I have several friends that play Pickleball and I hear it is a good game for the aging community.  I would try that.  I loved playing tennis when I was young.

7) In 1965, when this song was popular, Tom Jones made a new friend, Elvis Presley. Tom had a meeting at Paramount Studios to discuss recording a song for a movie soundtrack and Elvis was finishing a film. It was the beginning of a friendship that would continue for the rest of Elvis' life. Did you make any new friends in 2022?  I did!  I met a lady at work named Debbie.  She was working in the classroom next to me last year.  We became good friends and we work together this year in my classroom.  The teacher she worked with last year retired and my assistant had a baby and is staying home for a while.

8) Also in 1965, The Sound of Music premiered and became one of the most successful movies of all time. Have you seen it?  Oh yes!  That is a favorite at my house.

9) Random question: Were you like those shoppers we saw on TV, in line at a retailer after the holidays to exchange a gift that wasn't quite right?  no, I have only exchanged something once.  I really wanted the item, but I needed a different size, so I exchanged it and was able to wear it.  I am not really one to return gifts.  I love anything anyone gives me.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Tuesday 4 Meme- January

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 in the new year. We wish you a 
very Happy New Year!

January is named for Janus the two faced god who looked into the past
 and future. Some believe he was Noah who may have been worshipped
 by his progeny. He certainly looked into the pre flood world and the new
 world. The Anglo Saxons called this month Wulfsmoanth. Let's talk about 

1. January 1, 1892 Ellis Island opened it's doors. Did any of your relations
 enter the United States through Ellis Island? If not, do you know your family's
 history? I am not sure.

2. Januray's birth stone is garnet and the flower is the carnation. Do you have
 favorite gem stones or flowers? My favorite stone is Sapphire which is my 
birth stone. I like roses and carnations for flowers, but I really like all

3. January 6 is Epiphany. Many take that day as the final day of the Christmas
 celebration and take down their decor. What about you? We took out tree
 down on January 1st and I cleaned the house really good. I like to do clean
 so I don't have to worry about it once I go back to work (today-Tuesday)
...first day back from break.

4. There is some evidence that January can set the tone for your entire year. 
What do you think of this? Do you make resolutions, etc? I don't know.
 If you are setting good habits and sticking to it, it could set the tone. I
 do not make resolutions. I did once or twice and even did good most of
 the year, but they just do not work out for me.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Word of the Year


If I am telling the truth, I am feeling more apprehensive about the New Year.  I felt that way the past couple of years though.  Instead of apprehensive, I am going with the word Hope.  Hope is defined as a feeling of expectation and desire for something to happen or a feeling of trust.  I am going for the latter.  I know good things as well as bad things will happen this year in my life and in the world.  I am getting older, my mom is getting older.  I am going to hope and pray this year brings us good things and when the bad things happen, I am going to trust everything to be ok.  I know this is kind of depressing from me, but that is how I am feeling as I write this.  I really think that we need to plan some things to look forward to.  Weekend trips, theater, movie night.  It could be anything.  I want it to be a vacation at some point.  Just things to look forward to.

Anyway, Josh finished work yesterday (New Year's Eve).  He will be off until March.  I am glad for him to have a break.  I love having breaks from work.  It is a time to rest and refresh.

I am trying to get in one more book before I go back to work on Tuesday.  I am reading The Dutch House by Ann Patchett.  It is really good so far.

I hope you all have a great New Year!