It has been a while, but when I turned 30, I was doing laundry and I was putting the clothes in the dryer...when I bent over, my back tightened up. I was in so much pain. I could hardly move. Anyway, yesterday right before I went to my class I bent over to pick up Molly and my back tightened up again. It wasn't as bad as it has been in the past. I can walk. I went to class. It feels better if I move and keep it loose. I laid on the heating pad last night while I watched Glee. Do any of you watch that? I watched the first show when it premiered and loved it, then I watched it when it came back and thought it was stupid. Well, I was watching some shows I had taped on the DVD one night and when they were over I turned the tv on and it was when Glee made it's comeback. I have been hooked ever since. Anyway, back to my back. It is a little better today. Just a little stiff.
I wanted to read blogs last night, but Karl was watching a movie on the computer. So I wasn't able to get online at all.
My class is going to be fun I think. I get to work in a 2 year old room. The material we will learn will be very helpful. I love taking classes where I can actually use what I am learning. This is what happened last year. I decided to take the whole year and take all of the classes I didn't want to take. It was a boring year of classes and I will not use the information that I learned in my classroom, but it is over. I think everything I take now will be enjoyable for me. I have about a year and a half left of classes.
Today I take Josh to the Orthodontist. They are taking molds of his mouth. They say they will start with an expander and then he will need braces, so we are getting the process started. He has really messed up teeth, it is strange because Karl and I didn't wear braces.
Well, I will go. This has turned out to be a long post. Have a great day!!