Happy Halloween!! Josh got his braces, so he did not go out this year, but he had fun handing out candy here at the house. I decorated the house for Thanksgiving while he was handing out candy.
Well, like I said Josh got his braces. They are only on the front four teeth for now. They hurt him a couple of days after he got them on, but he is doing fine now.
Molly got her operation this past week...she was spayed. She is doing great. I was so worried about her, but she has done great.
Thursday night was Family Literacy Night at the preschool. It was fun, I am going to post a picture of me reading.

There were four of us reading. They were girls from my class at the college. We had to do this for our class, but it was so much fun!! We had two groups reading, so you see the side I was on in the picture, then on the other side of the room were two more girls reading to kids. At the end we did a leaf activity with the kids and it was a blast.
I am working on a lesson plan for my practicum class now. I am supposed to teach vocabulary from the Pledge of Allegiance. How boring right? This is what the teacher wanted me to teach. I didn't really get to chose. Well, I found a book...the same author as Brown Bear, Brown Bear...it is called I Pledge Allegiance. I am going to read that and talk about the vocabulary with that book. I think that will be more fun that the worksheet the teacher wanted me to use. I do not care for worksheets, they are boring. I will be done with the practicum right before Thanksgiving Break and then we go back to our classroom for lecture.
That is what has been going on. I am totally covered up with homework, so I do not have a lot of time to do anything. I hop on facebook and mess around when I have some extra time, but that is about it.
I better get going. I hope you are all doing great!!