My summer never really did get much better after my dad's memorial service. My mom had to have eye surgery and I took care of her up until time to go back to school. I was really not ready to go back to work, but I am having fun now that I am there.
I do not think I mentioned that during all of the craziness this summer I also took Mandy to the vet. I believe she has degenerative myelopathy. She is basically having trouble with her back legs. If I am right, she will lose the use of her back legs. The vet does not think that is what is going on, he said it was her back. He gave her a lot of medicine, but she did not get any better. I just hate this is happening to her. She is truly my heart dog. I love her so much.
I am not sure what else has happened since I last posted, it is a blur. I hope you are all doing well. I will post again as I am able.