Today the plan is to take Meisha to the vet to get her stitches out. I wish they would have put the kind in that dissolve, I am worried about how she is going to act there. She gets so scared.
Then I plan to read ahead for homework and when I say get ahead, it will not last long because there is so much reading. I also need to start working on my paper for that class. I have all of the information I need, so I would like to get it started. Julie had asked if I plan to stay at the preschool teaching or if I will teach primary and that is a good question. I have had A LOT of people asking me that same question. I will be certified to teach birth- 3rd Grade. I could do First Steps, Parents As Teachers, teach in a classroom. I have lots of options. As of now, I plan to stay at the ECSE preschool. I love the kids and my co-workers and it is close. I am in a classroom and work for the school district. I think some think I work at a daycare and that is not the case. It is an early childhood special education preschool. I will also have to take the praxis for early childhood special education to teach there. I have my Provisional Certificate right now to teach. It is confusing I know. I also think that many have the idea that if you are not in at least 1st grade you are not really teaching and that is not the case either. I really believe in early intervention. I am a hige advocate for it. So, for now at least, I will stay. In doing my practicum teaching, I felt like the primary grades were easier, but that is not what I am wanting. I need a challenge. The special education kids give me that and at least for now, I love it. I say for now because I am getting older and I know I cannot do that forever. I may teach primary at that point.
Karl was not up for going out for dinner last night for his birthday. We just stayed in and had some Mexican food. It was yummy.
Did I mention I drove around looking at houses yesterday? I am really embarrasing for Karl to be with, I will park and go look in the windows if I know the house is empty. I did that and then drove by some of the houses we are interested in. There were two more on the market. I still have one house I really like, but the time is just not right yet....we still have to sell our house. Who knows what will be available when that happens.
I really should get moving if I want to get anything done today. Have a nice day!!