
Friday, June 27, 2014

Annie's Ice Cream Meme

Here is Annie's Ice Cream Meme!!

1. Ice cream or frozen yogurt? Ice Cream

2. Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla

3. Hard ice cream or soft ice cream? I kind of like soft, but I love both

4. What do you call the little things you shake on top of the cone? I think I have only ever heard of any of them called Sprinkles here in Missouri. I like the multi-colored ones, but I do not usually eat them.

5. Soft cake cone,hard sugar cone or pretzel cone? Sugar cone and I have never even heard of a pretzel cone, but the sweet/salty sounds good.

6. If you could make up an ice cream flavor, what would it be like? Vanilla with butterscotch maybe? I love butterscotch topping.

7. What would you name it? Vanilla Scotchie Swirl

Well thank-you Annie, now I want some ice-cream. Maybe Josh and I will go get some.

Today was the last day of summer school and I also had to say good-bye to one of my para's (Natalie). She has been with me for like 6 years and is amazing. She is having her second child and plans to stay home with her kids. I am happy for her, but I sure will miss her. Here is a picture of the two of us goofing around at the preschool. I am the one on the right behind her. Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Unconscious Mutterings

This week has been busy with dentist appointments for Josh and I. Then taking my parents to the eye doctor. Wednesday I went to the chiropractor and today I had my hair cut and highlighted. Tomorrow is the last day of summer school. I am ready to enjoy my time off, but summer school has been fun. We are done by 11AM, so I have had the rest of the day to get things done. It has worked out nice.
I was over at Toni's blog and found this Unconscious Mutterings Meme:

Unconscious Mutterings

1.Closed :: Open
2.Tourists :: Lots of people
3.Footsteps :: Baby
4.Ginger :: Spice
5.Way :: Far
6.Designer :: Fashion
7.Mattress :: Bed
8.Disaster :: Area
9.Chips :: Salty
10.Campaign :: President

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday 4 Meme!!

It is Tuesday 4 Meme. Click the link and play along!!

#04 As A Child, I..
1. As a child I loved to play? Barbie's, My Papa Oslin made me a wonderful Barbie Doll house and I had so much fun playing with it. I still have it, but it is at my mom's house. I kept it in case I ever had a girl. Maybe Josh will need it someday.

2. As a child I wanted to grow up to be? I never even thought about it. I didn't know what I wanted to be until Josh went through preschool. Then I knew I wanted to be a teacher and help young kids. It is a great job.

3. As a child my favorite thing to eat was? The only thing that is sticking out to me as a child is homeade ice-cream. My Granie Oslin would make it when I went to visit them in Oklahoma. It was so good. She also made me kool-ade ice pops (in the ice trays)...yum. She made everything homeade, so everything she cooked was wonderful.

4. As a child my favorite relative was? My Granie Oslin. She was amazing and I miss her every single day.

That one was fun Toni!! Thanks!!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Iced Tea Month

Here is Annie's Meme

Iced Tea Month

1. What brand of regular tea makes the best iced tea? I use Lipton

2. Sugar? Yes, I love sweet tea.

3. Fresh lemon or bottled? Fresh, but only in water

4. Ever drink flavored iced teas like raspberry or spice? not really, I like peach, but I generally just drink sweet tea.

5. Lemon or mint or both? neither.

Fun Meme. I love Sweet Tea and sun tea.

Today Josh went to the orthodontist, they had him for an hour and a half. I came home and went back to get him. The girl said they put brackets on his back now all of his teeth have brackets. We waited a long time for all of his teeth to come in. Anyway, they are still saying 6 months and his braces will come off, which would be around Christmas or so. We shall see. He has had them on for 4 years, so he is tired of them.
This has been a great week at the preschool. We have had a lot of rain lately and so the first week we could not get out for recess much. We have been out every day this week. It helps when you have 3-5 year olds. Next week will be the last week of summer school and I will have some time off. I have enjoyed summer school though...we have just worked half days and fewer kids. I could get used to that. Well, I better go, have a great week!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday 4 Meme

Today is Tuesday 4 Meme!!!

#03 Hours, Days, Months, Years
1. How many hours a day do you watch TV? 2, sometimes 3 if I watch the news.

2. How many days in a week do you cook at home? 5

3. How many times a month do you go to the movies? we do not go to the movies monthly...maybe in the summer, but so far we have only been to Maleficent. I will say 1-2/month in the summer, but the rest of the time we do not go.

4. How many vacations do you take a year? Depends, last year we took one big vacation and a couple of other little ones. We are only planning 1 little vacation this summer so far. It is hard for us to get away because of our dogs and my not wanting to board them. I am unwilling to board our lab because she is so nervous. It is hard to travel with a big nervous dog. I love them though.

Great meme Toni!!

I went to the chiropractor yesterday and my exciting news was I got some calcium. This is gross, but I have had trouble taking calcium because it constipates me. I am on some now called Calcium Lactate and it does not do that. I love it. I think my pain is getting better. Thank-you for your well wishes. We also helped my parents install a new air conditioner last night. They have a window unit.
Today I took Josh to get a haircut. No plan tomorrow, but Thursday he goes to the orthodontist. I do not think I have updated about that in a while, but I think he is getting close to getting his braces off...well maybe in 6 months to a year anyway.
Well, that is all that is going on here. Have a great week!!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Father's Day

I went to the chiropractor on Wednesday and he worked on my hip...he also got me started taking Cod Liver Oil. Thursday Josh and I went to Branson and went to Kohl's and Petco. I got some pajamas and a couple of new shirts. Josh is waiting for our trip to Oklahoma to find clothes. Then we went to Petco and got the dogs some treats. Friday we went to my mom and dad's house. We had gone shopping after I got home from work and we tried to find presents for Father's Day, but ended up with cards, donuts and a chocolate cake. We spent the evening with them and visited and ate dinner and had cake. It was fun. Josh is spending the weekend with them. I think he is going to help my mom weed one of her flower gardens. They may also do some shopping. I am just relaxing today in my pajamas. I slept in late this morning, so did Karl and all of the dogs. Karl has gone to return some movies. We watched the Jack Ryan movie last night when I got home and it was good.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I will be back on Tuesday for the meme!! In the meantime here is one I found at Toni's blog.

Unconscious Mutterings ::

1.Fringe :: benefits
2.Helicopter :: ride
3.Netflix :: movies
4.Humor :: funny
5.Niece :: nephew
6.Summer :: my favorite and restful
7.Crazy :: full moon
8.Arrival :: departure
9.Nipple :: for babies
10.Code :: blue

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday 4 Meme

It is time for the Tuesday 4 Meme!!

Tuesday 4 Meme

#02 If You Could Only, You Would:

1. If you could only choose any place on earth to would? I would just like to live by the ocean. I know I would be scared if any hurricane type weather came around I would want to drive somewhere else during that, but when I am at the ocean, I am so relaxed and happy. I love watching the dolphins play.

2. If you could only buy anything you ever would? Nice house, I have everything else I want, I would just like a say in where I live. Karl had already bought this house when we got married and I do not love it.

3. If you could only do whatever your heart would? travel all over. I would not work, and I would just travel.

4. If you could only write a great novel about (any genre) would? I haven't written in years, I used to write horror stories, which I would not write now. Hmmm, maybe some kind of drama, love story.

Monday, June 9, 2014

My X-rays...

I was going to drop in last Wednesday and let you know what happened with my x-ray. Well, he still feels like it is a bulging disc and a pinched nerve, but he saw some bone spurs on my spine. He showed me where they were on my back, but I do not hurt there...thank goodness. I go back this Wednesday and I think he is going to have me take some fish oil and calcium for my bones. That is where I stand with that and my pain is not as bad, but it is not gone either.
Today Josh and I went to Academy and I got some new tennis shoes (Saucony Cohesion 7)...I have tried on the more expensive shoes and other brands, but these fit my feet like a glove, I love them and I got some today for $39.95...not bad. I will attach a picture.
Then we went to Mardel to look for some borders for my classroom, but they did not have what I needed. So we came home. That is my day, I will be back tomorrow for my Meme, so be sure to drop by!! Have a nice week.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday 4 Meme!!

Toni has started a new meme called Tuesday 4 Meme. I wasn't going to post today, but this gives me a reason!! Yay!! Here we go
Tuesday 4 Meme

#01 Favorites, What's Yours?
1. Favorite Outfit To Wear: My favorite thing to wear is sweats or pj's...I have to dress nice for work, so I am always ready to wear something comfy.

2. Favorite Hair Color & Style: hmmm, I really like highlights in hair, I like all hairdos. I think straight hair is pretty...probably because it is hard for me to wear since I have naturally curly hair and even if I straighten it, it usually ends up curly anyway. For myself specifically, I just put highlights over my natural hair color and it is brown.

3. Favorite Kind Of Shoes: tennis shoes

4. Favorite Way To Relax: watch baseball

That was fun Toni!! Thanks!!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Summer School

It was a quiet weekend, I went to see my parents for a few hours and we visited, but that is about it. Today was the first day of summer school at the preschool. I was a bit sad. Only one of my kids showed up today, but we had some phone calls and we can expect more kids tomorrow. I did get to work a lot with the one that showed up though and that is good. I guess it is a good way to start the week anyway. We were able to get some more cleaning done. We shall see what tomorrow holds. I had a meeting at the end of our day, which is at 11:00AM and then I headed to the chiropractor. I think I mentioned in my last post I had hurt my hip on Friday. Well the chiropractor looked me over and my hips were out of line again. He fixed me up, this time he took an x-ray. I am feeling a little better. I go back on Wednesday to see what he says about the x-rays and he will probably adjust me again. I work tomorrow, but not a lot going on, so I will be back on Wednesday to let you know what he says about the x-rays. Have a nice week. Can you believe it is June? **UPDATE** I see I did not post about hurting my hip. I was at the ATM and I leaned out to work the machine and my hip popped. It hurt a lot and I was in some pain all weekend. I am fixed up again though.