
Friday, November 26, 2021

Saturday 9: Black Velvet


Black Velvet

Saturday 9: Black Velvet (1989)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song was chosen because yesterday was Black Friday, the traditional day of sales. Have you begun your Christmas shopping?  I have bought a few things for my mom and Josh.  I have also got my co-workers gifts done.

2)  Was there an adult beverage served with your Thanksgiving feast?  Sweet Tea

3) Did any pets enjoy scraps from your Thanksgiving table?  not really.  They had some crumbs, but I typically do not give them things from Thanksgiving.

4) Are there any Thanksgiving leftovers in your refrigerator right now?  Oh yes.

5) Football is a popular Thanksgiving weekend pastime. Will you be watching any games over the next few days? If yes, which team(s) are you rooting for?  I am a KC Chiefs fan, I really do not pay any attention to other teams.  Karl does and he watched the games on Thanksgiving.

6) This week's song is by Canadian Alannah Myles. She was born Alannah Byles (with a B), but changed her name to differentiate herself from her father. He was influential in Canadian broadcasting and she didn't want to be accused of riding his coattails. Have you ever received a professional leg up from a relative?  no, I have always gotten my jobs on my own.  Once I was hired at my current school my friends from high school found out and then it was not a secret who I was.  The people that hired me did not know my dad.  There are plenty of people in the district that do though, so they are extra kind to me because they loved him.  I wanted to get hired because of what I can do, not who my dad is and I did that.

7) In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday in October. Instead of pumpkin pie, Canadians traditionally enjoy butter tarts for dessert. What dessert was on your Thanksgiving menu?  turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, green beans, cinnamon applesauce, dressing, hot rolls, pumpkin pie and chocolate pie, German chocolate cake (my mom's birthday cake) and white cake with coconut icing (my mom made that one...she has a thing for coconut).

8) "Black Velvet" is a tribute to Elvis. Songwriter Christopher Ward said he was inspired by a trip to Memphis, long after Elvis' death, where he spoke to The King's fans and was touched by how much they still loved their favorite singer. Who is your favorite singer?  I don't really have a favorite singer.  I like a lot of artists.

9) Share a memory from Thanksgiving 2020.  I remember it was a bit scary.  It was just Karl, Josh and I and my mom came over.  I was so scared she was going to get covid.  She didn't.  We watched some tv and visited.  We did the same thing this year.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Sunday Stealing- Thanksgiving





1) What teacher are you most thankful for and why? What did you learn from him
or her? My dad for sure. He taught typing, but he taught me to drive, how to
be independent, how to tie my shoes, to believe in myself, do the best I can. 
I could go on and on, but he was a wonderful man.  I am so thankful he
was my dad.

2) What’s the season you’re most thankful for, and what’s your favorite part of each
season? I am most thankful for summer.  I am able to spend time with my family
and not have to worry about going to bed early.  I can read and do a lot of fun 
things.  In the winter I am thankful for snow and snuggly blankets, in the Spring,
I am thankful for new life, the leaves growing back and turning green and the 
flowers blooming.  In the Summer I am thankful for the bright sunny days and
carefree nights.  In the fall I am thankful for for my classroom kids and the
beautiful colors fall brings.  The weather is about perfect too.

3) What electronic device are you most grateful for, and what does it add to your life?
I am going to say my laptop.  I am able to stay connected with friends blogging
and I also enjoy playing games online.  My phone drives me crazy.

4) What musician or type of music are you most thankful for?  I am just thankful
that music exists.  Music can make me travel through time back to a specific 
moment, it can make me feel better, it help me in my praise.  I am thankful for
it all.

5) What are you most grateful for that brings beauty to your daily life?  My family.
Karl, he makes me laugh and takes care of us.  Josh fills my heart.  My mom 
listens to me and helps me navigate life.  My dogs make me happy and feel 
at ease.

6) What philanthropic cause or organization do you feel thankful for?  I am thankful
for Convoy of Hope, which helps people after natural disasters.  I am also
thankful for people that help feed people that are hungry.  These are the
organizations we donate to.

7) What foods are you most thankful for?  chocolate

8) What local store or restaurant are you most grateful for? How does it contribute to 
your quality of life?  I am most thankful for the Dollar General really close to my
house.  It saves me a lot of time not having to drive to Wal~Mart.  It gives me
more time at home.

9) What book are you most grateful for, and why?  The Holy is a book
on how to live life and a book to find hope.

10) What act of kindness has made the greatest difference in your life? 
appreciate all acts of kindness, but maybe I should say I am most thankful
for the person that took the time to ask me if I knew Jesus and led me to
Christ.  My life changed that night.  I had no direction before I found God.

11) What challenging experience has ended up changing your life for the better?
Going back to college to be a teacher.  The college classes were fine, but the 
student teaching was terrifying at first.  I had to tell myself I could do it and
that it would not last forever.  I did it and I am so glad I did.

12) What vacation are you most grateful for?  Orange Beach, AL trip.  We
stayed in an ocean front condo and watched the dolphins play every morning.
We did so many fun things, but it was such a perfect vacation.

13) Name three days in your life that you feel especially grateful for.  The day I gave
my life to Jesus, the day I got married and the day I had Josh.  Those days
all molded my life for the better.

14) What product do you use on a daily basis that you most appreciate?  I have a
lot of products I love and appreciate.  

15) What, from this year, do you feel most grateful for?  I am most grateful for
being able to go back to the primary school and get back to work with the
littles.  They have my teacher heart.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Saturday 9: Somewhere


Saturday 9: Somewhere (1983)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) This song is from the hit musical West Side StoryIt has just been remade by Steven Speilberg. Are you interested in seeing the 2021 version?  Yes, I love West Side Story.

2) Growing up, Crazy Sam thought this song was called, "A Place for Us." Tell us about a song whose title or lyrics you got wrong or misheard.  This is so embarrassing because it doesn't make any sense and it is a favorite song.  It is the song Centerfield by Dan Fogerty.  The lyrics are "put me in coach, I'm ready to".  I sang "put me in the coal mine...I'm ready to  I told you it doesn't make any sense.  I was not a huge baseball fan at the time and I do not think I knew the title of the song.  Anyway, years later I was singing along and I was with Karl and he was like what are you singing???  hahahaha  He still laughs at me when that song plays.
3) Barbra Streisand sings of longing for "time to spare, time to learn and time to care." The holidays are often too busy for many of us. With Thanksgiving almost upon us, do you wish you had more time?  I really do.  I love the holidays, but I feel pulled in too many directions.
4) Early in her career, Barbra was pressured to have her nose fixed. She stubbornly refused, and did rather well anyway. Tell us about a time you resisted pressure.  I am not pressured, I have just always been a person that does what they want.
5) In the late 1960s she briefly dated Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, father of current PM Justin Trudeau. Obviously Barbra knew what became of Pierre and his family without having to look them up. Without the advantage of Google, do you know where one of your former loves is in 2021?  Well I am friends on facebook with my high school boyfriend.  
6) One of Barbra's hit movies is The Way We Were, a love story about hopelessly mismatched lovers. Streisand always wanted to do a sequel and worked with a screenwriter on a treatment. Her costar, Robert Redford, refused. He simply was not interested in revisiting his character. Is there a movie series that you especially enjoy?  Lord of the Rings was an exciting one we anticipated every next new movie.  I also liked Hunger Games and Pirates of the Caribbean.

7) Barbra met her husband, James Brolin, at a dinner thrown by friends. They hit it off immediately, but he had to leave the next day to begin a movie in Ireland, so they began their romance over the phone. Do you enjoy long phone calls? Would you prefer video calls (Zoom)?  I typically hate talking on the phone and zoom isn't much better...but if I never got to see Karl or Josh...I might prefer zoom so I could see them.

8) On July 1, 1998, two years to the day after their first meeting, Barbra and Brolin married. It used to be that brides were advised against wearing white for their second wedding, but Barbra ignored that, wearing a white beaded gown. Do you believe brides should still avoid white the second time around?  I really think they should wear what makes them happy.

9) Random question: Is anyone on your bad side this morning?  no

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tuesday 4- Home Sweet Home



Home Sweet Home

Welcome to Tuesday 4 where we ask 4 questions each with to get you
thinking, blogging and getting to know your fellow Bloggers! We do
this in memory of Toni Taddeo who founded it and who was so beloved
by so many.

This week, let's talk about your home town or home state.

1. What was your hometown like? Or home state or both!  I live in 
Missouri.  We have a lot of trees, lakes and hills.  I live in a rural town and
my home town is also a rural town.  Where I grew up and now work is a
tourist town because of the theme parks (Silver Dollar City and White Water), 
also Table Rock Lake.  It is also really close to Branson and Springfield.
There is a lot to do here.  This is a picture of Table Rock Lake.  I spent a
lot of time on this lake when I was young.

2.Did you enjoy where you grew up? Why?  I did enjoy it, but it wasn't 
until I moved away that I was able to appreciate it.  It is not that beautiful in
 other parts of Missouri, but it is very pretty.  As a kid, there was so much to
do with the lake and also Silver Dollar City and White Water.

3. How much did where you grew up shape you?  I think it shaped me quite a 
bit.  When I was a kid in your jobs, you dealt with tourists all of the time.  They
were always so happy and that made me happy.  When I worked in another 
town, the first thing my trainer told me was that people are rude.  I didn't believe
it until I dealt with the public for a while.  These people were not on vacation
and were grumpy and tired.  I was used to being so nice and the people being 
nice back.  I guess I didn't accept that being rude was ok, because I still try to
be really friendly when I go out shopping.  I feel like so many of my values come
from my hometown.  I am so glad I get to work there now.  I am now teaching kids
of my dad's students...which is very cool.

4. What were some of the best and worst things about where you grew up?  All of the 
things to do were a good thing.  There are so many people here in the summer, which
is great for the economy, but it really makes you want to stay home when you are an 
adult.  I never stayed home as a kid.  We just went with the flow.  Another good thing
about living here is everyone helps each other.  It is a friendly place to live.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Saturday 9- Without You


Without You

 Without You (1972)

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) Nilsson sings that he can't forget this evening. Did anything happen this evening (or last night, if you're answering during the day) that you expect you'll recall for a long time?  I did some teacher observations today of other grade levels, so I hope I remember some things.  I took notes, so I think I will.

2) In the 1960s, he worked in a very "un-rock-star" job: computer programmer in a bank. Looking over your career, have you more often worked in or out of an office setting?  I am going to say out.  I do not really feel like my classroom is an office and none of my other jobs involved an office.
3) He fibbed to get the job, telling the bank he'd graduated from high school when in reality, he was a drop out. Have you ever fudged a fact on your resume?  no, I just feel like that is dishonest.  I have some good skills to share on my resume that are actual skills.

4) The bank found out the truth but was so pleased with Nilsson's personality and performance they kept him on. Tell us about a friend or loved one's misbehavior that you have overlooked.  I am not sure.

5) Before finding success as a singer, Nilsson was a songwriter. He composed "Cuddly Toy," recorded by the Monkees. Do you have a favorite Monkees song? I'm A Believer.
6) In 1976 Nilsson married Una O'Keeffe. They met in a New York restaurant, where she was a waitress. He asked her about her accent -- she was from Dublin -- and a romance ensued. While the waitress and the rock star seemed like an unlikely couple, they remained together until his death in 1994 and had six children. Do you know how your parents (or grandparents) met?  My Papa had a milk route and met my Granie while delivering milk.  My mom and dad went to school together.
7) Nilsson was a night owl and found he felt most creative late at night, right before he fell asleep. When are you at your best: morning, noon or night?  When I am working, I am best in the morning.  When I can be at in the summer...I do a lot late at night. 

8) In 1972, the year "Without You" was a hit, Alice Clark Browne made history as the first African American 
aerialist to perform with Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey Circus. Did you ever attend the circus?  Oh yes, I have been several times.
9) Random question -- Think about last week. Would you prefer this week to be more exciting, or more boring?  More boring.  We had some crazy weather and the kids were acting wild.  I have a really good class and even my kids were being wild.  Let me just say one event was one student de-pantsing another student right in the classroom.  I was out of the room, but there were other events too this past week.  

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Tuesday 4- November is Here


November is Here

Welcome to Tuesday 4 begun by our friend Toni Taddeo and
kept up in her memory. This week let's talk about November!

1. Besides Thanksgiving is there anything about November
you like/dislike?  November is a nice month with the weather.
In Missouri, it is typically pretty comfortable.  I like how the
Christmas lights start going up (my outside lights are up already)
and just everything about Thanksgiving.  Macy Parade, Black Friday,
great food, football and family.  Love the day and the month.

2. How is November weather where you live? Does it suit you?
It is in the 50's-60's.  It is comfortable.  I love it.

3. When do you plan for Thanksgiving? Eat home or out? Menu?
I am starting to think about dinner now.  I have it at our house.  My
mom has essential tremors and it is hard for her to cook now.  I enjoy it.
We did eat out one year.  My parents wanted to.  I hated it.  It is just
not part of our tradition, so we never did it again.  Josh was really little
at the time too.  I did not want him going out to eat for holidays.

4. When do you begin your decor and plans for Christmas. It "officially"
begins after Thanksgiving and the Macy's Parade when Santa arrives at the end.
We have our Christmas lights up now outside, but the inside is decorated for 
Thanksgiving and will be until the day after Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Saturday 9- All I Have to Do Is Dream


All I Have to Do Is Dream

Saturday 9: All I Have to Do Is Dream (1958)
Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) Did you dream last night?  I did not sleep well, I cannot remember.

2) In this song, The Everly Brothers dream of kissing "lips of wine." Do you prefer red or white wine?  red
3) In 1975, Rolling Stone ranked Phil and Don #1 on their list of the greatest duos of all time. Name another musical twosome.  Hall & Oates

4) Mike Love has acknowledged the influence The Everly Brothers had on The Beach Boys' harmonies. What's your favorite Beach Boys song?  I love The Beach Boys...I can't pick, I love all of their songs.  I have seen them in concert 2-3 times and I am not a concert goer.

5) The pressure of touring took its toll on the Everly Brothers' personal relationship, and those stresses spilled onto the stage. They once had a fight in front their audience that ended with Phil smashing his guitar and storming off. Have you ever busted something in anger?  no, I get angry in my head which leaves me crying sometimes.  I do not destroy things though.

6) One of Don's friends was author/storyteller Garrison Keillor and that's how the Everly Brothers came to perform on Keillor's radio program, A Prairie Home Companion. Do you often listen to the radio or to podcasts?  I listen to the radio as I am driving to and from work, but I listen to podcasts on the weekend...anyone listen to Bailey Sarian?  I watch her on YouTube, she does podcasts about true crime and also dark history in the united states while she does her make-up.  She is funny too.
7) The brothers chose to live in different cities and held opposite views on politics. Don said, "Everything is different about us, except when we sing." Do you have siblings? If so, are you more alike or different?  I am an only child.

8) In 1958, the year this song was a hit, Americans were doing the Cuban dance, the cha-cha-cha. Do you ever dance or sing when you're home alone?  OMG, YES!  I am rarely alone though, but when I am, oh yeah...I sing and dance and act a fool.

9) Random question -- Do you believe we each get one true love?  I believe
 some have the fortune to have more than one.