I wish I would have done a better job blogging this year because it has been a not so good year for me. However, I do feel like through the bad things that have happened I have seen the good or things have happened that are good because of the bad. I know that may not make any sense, but I did want to write it down on my blog so I have a record of it. I am feeling great because of the gallbladder surgery. Even though it is hard to find any good from my dad's death I do take comfort in knowing he is not confused or sick anymore and is whole again in heaven. My job is so much fun this year and I was super scared to change buildings, but it has been a good experience. I am working with teachers more my age and as silly as that sounds, it is hard being around young people all of the time in the sense of they are not going through the same things as you are. These teachers are all at the same point in their life as me and we just understand each other. It is nice and it helps me be more ok with my age and where I am in my life. I do still get to be around young teachers, which I do enjoy, but it is nice to have teachers that understand me too. There is not much going on new except we did have blood drawn from Mandy to send off to see what is going on with her legs. I suspect degenerative myelopathy which would paralyze her hind legs and the vet did not agree at first, but now they are wondering too if that is not what it is, so the results should be in soon. If it is her back as in a slipped disc, I have found a doggie chiropractor I would like to try. Anyway, enough if that. I do have a picture from last week at our Book character parade for Halloween from the primary school. This is my friend Meghan and myself. Meghan is our speech therapist. It is almost Thanksgiving! I am so excited!