
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tuesday 4 Meme- Weathering the Storm...


Weathering the Storm...

Weathering the Storm

 Hello .. This is Toni's Tuesday  4 where we strive to get you thinking and blogging and connecting with others.
 The saying used to be on my blog as a description: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."
This was important to me when my spine went south on me.  I was born disabled  and became a dancer.  Now I am disabled again. Que sera, sera, whatever will be will be.   But we keep on going. and turn the lemons to lemonade...or we should I think.
Let's talk about it because we have all been there, done that.

1. What/who is your rock through the storms of life?
What beliefs do you have to stand on?  God/Jesus.  When I am 
experiencing a hard time, I go to Him in prayer.  He always gets me through
and gives me strength.

2.  Do you take precautions for bad storms? What precautions do you take?  
We get groceries to last us.  I always have our snow removal things ready
to go by the door.  We make sure we have plenty of propane and also gas in our cars.

3. The Sheep are caroling in the snow... do you sing during the tough times?     What things, what activities pull you through?  Sometimes I turn on music that makes me happy and I sing to that.  I watch tv or play my games to take my mind off of things.  I mostly pray about problems though.

4. Whatever we do, we should be there for others in the difficult times.
What advice can you give to those who are going through a difficult time now?
I would say be sure to pray about it and talk to people you trust.  It is good just to get it out by talking and having others pray for you too.

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