I started writing a post last week when Josh started school, but I kept getting phone calls, so I will try again. It was not a great summer. If you do not know from facebook, I was reassigned an hour from my house to work this year, so I resigned. It was a curvy drive and I just had a bad feeling about it. I spent the summer looking for jobs, but never found one. I was not told until the last week of school. It was all of the teachers. Everyone got moved. I was just moved a long way away. It is a coop with 17 school districts in 3 counties, so they can move you wherever they want. Three people quit. I was very sad, so did not do a lot this summer, I cried a lot. I will miss my kids, but honestly, I will not miss working for the coop. I had a few friends there I will keep in touch with, but many of the people are just drama, so I will not miss that. I will say this. I have applied for some jobs I thought I had a really good chance at and did not get them, so I am thinking God is wanting something else for me. I am staying home for now. I would be open to a part time job. I just feel like I am needing to help my mom and dad. My dad's alzheimer's is getting worse and my mom is having a hard time with him. This also frees me up to take Josh to and from tutoring without being exhausted. Karl is working really long hours and has not been with us in several weeks to tutoring. So with all of this on me as responsibility, I am ok with staying home for now. Karl said we will be fine if I stay home. I would still ask for prayers for guidance and wisdom in this though because I just want to do God's will.
Josh started school, and so far not too many complaints, he is still going early, so that is a good sign. I took a picture, but he did not want his picture taken, so it isn't very good.
We did get to go to Oklahoma this summer. Even that was not as fun, but it is always nice to get away and I got to spend time with my mom and dad. This picture is at our hotel and Josh and my dad listening to music. This year we stayed in a suite at the motel and it was super nice.
Karl put new flooring in our kitchen over the weekend and it looks awesome.
I have been cleaning house today, something else I did not get to do very good when I was working. It smells amazing in here. I am starting to look forward to fall. I spotted several candles for fall when I was cleaning.
Oh and I already decorated for fall here at my blog because when I came to check it, it was still decorated for Spring. I just thought I would get ahead of the game. I will try to post here and there. I doubt I have much going on. I am planning on having breakfast with friends on Thursday and then planning to go to my mom and dad's. Have a nice week!! Here is one last picture of Josh on his birthday. We went to Olive Garden and shopping with my mom and dad.
Hi Lori.. cutest blog ever!!! Love the autumn theme.
ReplyDeleteSounds like things are busy enough for you even without working but I will pray for you.
Your new floor is just beautiful! What a blessing.
I really enjoy reading your blogs. I find other people's experience and lives interesting and helpful and I love being part of it all even at a distance. :)
To me its like talking to friends.
Hi Lori. It kinda makes me feel like old times reading your post. So sorry about the teaching position. That's a bummer. But you have a good attitude and you know to 'give it to God' and let him figure it out for you. We really are not the master's of our Universe, are we?
ReplyDeleteMy mom had Alz so I'm relating to your Mom and Dad in that regard. Not easy. Your Mom will be in my prayers for the courage and strength it takes to survive this illness.
Thanks for your kind thoughts! Please keep in touch! You are my breath of fresh air. Hugz!
Hi Lori. Thanks for stopping by my blog last week. I'm sorry it took me so long to repay the visit. I remember reading about your losing your job. I'm sorry that you couldn't find something closer to home. Perhaps you are right that God just wants you to be more available for your family right now. He always has a plan. My first week back to work is going well. I really enjoy working with the high schoolers, although I will be getting my elementary education degree. Honestly, I just needed to get out of the house. After five years of sitting in my recliner, I was starting to feel comatose. It's good to have a purpose in life again. I will add you to my prayer list and ask God to give you peace about your situation. And don't lose hope--it can change quickly! :) Big hugs!
ReplyDeleteHi Lori, I love the look in here! I am sorry you lost your job and I know just how it feels. Maybe God wants you to be home with your family. My mom died from Alzheimers and I wish I could have spent more time helping my dad but I was working. So when my dad was dying, I went to live with him his last month. I will be praying for you. I hope you continue to blog. Hugs
ReplyDeleteHi Susan! I am so sorry about your job! It happened to me two,years ago. I was so upset, but then saw what a blessing the Lord gave me. I am enjoying life so much. I love what you did here with your blog, the graphics are wonderful! I do enjoy blogging, and I sure miss all of our friends, we were a great group! Keeping you in prayer! Oh, and I love the new floor!
ReplyDeleteHi Lori
ReplyDeleteYour blog looks amazing. That the cutest photo of Josh. I'm sorry about your job, but you're right God has another plan for you.
I don't like my situation and I am not happy either and cry a lot. I keep asking God to help me want to do this, that has changed my life. I told God I will do what you ask of me. Now each day I try harder at taking care of this I have been called to do. Now I have to change my attitude about this, however hard it is. I pray things go better so sweet Lori can be happy again. Hugs xo xo