
Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sunday Stealing- Another Food Meme


How do you like your eggs?  fried over easy

How do you take your coffee/tea: I do not drink coffee and I drink tea cold and sweet.

Favorite breakfast foods: eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice

Peanut butter: smooth or crunchy? smooth

What kind of dressing on your salad? ranch

Coke or Pepsi? pepsi

You feel like cooking. What do you make?  cheesy burritos and garlic bread

You’re feeling lazy. What do you make?  spaghetti

You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order?  pizza hut

Is there a food you refuse to eat? sushi

Favorite fruit & vegetable: strawberries and broccoli

Favorite junk food: chocolate

Favorite between meal snack: chips or crackers

Do you have any weird food habits: they are not weird to me, but I am sure I do.

You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on?  I like raw veggies and fruits.

How spicy do you order Indian/Thai?  I never order Indian or Thai

The perfect nightcap?  I do not drink, so I end my evening wacthing the local news and then I go to sleep.

It is Superbowl Sunday, so GO CHIEFS!!!!


  1. I think I’ve had a tiny serving of pasta in the last year. Too many carbs. I won’t eat zoodles (zucchini noodles), or any other vegetable noodle..squash, etc. 🤢 I occasionally eat bean sprouts as a sub for pasta. Have you tried sushi? Not all sushi is raw fish. California Maki-crab, avocado and cucumber; asparagus roll; spinach roll; avocado, cream cheese and lettuce (the lettuce was odd); cooked shrimp; cooked crispy salmon skin. I make sushi at home, but nothing raw. I’ve even used smoked fish and smoked salmon. And Spam!

  2. I couldn't not eat sushi - it's a staple when I haven't brought my lunch in to work - easy stuff. Worth a try - there are a lot of choices that don't have the raw fish. We're lucky here in Australia with the freshness and variety of food on offer. Cheers, Pand

  3. I like raw vegetables and fruit as well.
    But I would never sleep if I watched the news before bed.
    Now I'm hungry...

  4. Sushi is actually OK - you might be surprised. I tried an over easy fried egg this morning - but I broke it.





  5. Not long ago I was so excited to finally master over-easy eggs. (Little things mean a lot -- LOL.) Cheesy burritos sound delicious! Have you a recipe to share? GO CHIEFS!

  6. Happy to see someone else who doesn't drink coffee. Starbucks and DD are such a big part of everyone's day that sometimes I feel like a freak.

  7. I had the same answer for weird food habits. ;)

    Enjoy the Superbowl!

  8. This one was fun to do and fun to read everyone else's!

  9. Congratulations, Lori .... Great game!!!!!

    1. I am so excited!!! Thank you! 🏈😘♥️


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