
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Busy Week

I spent the end of last week getting ahead with homework and now I am trying to tie things up. My last day of class is next Tuesday. I need to finish up my paper and I have several chapters to read, but it is almost over. This class has been a cake walk compared to others I have had. I enjoy it also because the teacher is wonderful and two of the girls from my methods classes are in there. They will also be in my fall class which is my LAST class and I will be done.
Josh is getting ready to be busy. He is going to try the Oklahoma trip again next week with my parents. Then in August, two of Karl's sisters and his parents are taking the boys to Florida. I haven't been able to go...last year no money and this year too busy. I am planning to go next summer. Anyway, they go in August right after his birthday. He will have a blast. The ocean is wonderful. They are going to the gulf area. I wish I could go, but this gives me something to look forward to for next summer.
We went swimming on Tuesday at my sister-in-law's house. Josh got a little burned and so did I. It was the first time I had been in the sun this summer and I always get burned the first couple of times. We brought my nephew home with us and the boys played and had fun. He spent the night and went home yesterday. It has been a busy and fun week. Glad I got my homework done so I could enjoy it.
Well, I better go. I will be by to visit soon. Enjoy the rest of the week.


  1. well im glad ur almost done with ur class. I hope josh has a good time and gets to go this time. Is the homework hard for u this class? Ull b able to get homework laundry lesson plannin done while hes on vacation with ur parents hey? Well ttyl. Ang

  2. Hi Lori,
    I missed visiting you the other day. Not sure how that happened. Added you to my 'blogs I follow' so that shouldn't happen anymore.

    One more class and you're done with school? Did I understand that right? Wow! that's great.

    If and when you ever make it to Florida you know I will want to meet and greet you. That would be so fun. Something to look forward to.

    Hope you have a wonderful w/e. Hugz!!

  3. Hopefully you'll be able to relax a little after your one more class and school is over until the Fall. I'm enjoying you blogging again. ;-}

    Looks like Josh is going to have a fun time too between Oklahoma and Florida. I think that's great.

    Have a lovely evening my friend. Hugs

  4. It sounds like you're having a fun and busy time. I can't believe how quickly the summer is flying by! Before long we'll be doing school again, and believe me, I'm NOT looking forward to that!

  5. Hi Lori! Sounds like a fun summer for Josh - too bad you can't go to Florida with him but that will make next year all the more special. :) I'm trying to get back into blogging regularly - stop by and visit if you want. :)

  6. Glad this class is so enjoyable and how great to just have one left to go! I admire you for taking on this challenge while working and being a mommy! (((Hugz)))

  7. My nose always gets burned the first time I'm out too. *lol*

    Sounds like you're keeping busy! Hope Josh has a fun time on his trips!


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