
Saturday, June 11, 2022

Sunday Stealing- Unconscious Mutterings

Unconscious Mutterings



Stolen from Unconscious Mutterings





There are no right or wrong answers. Don't limit yourself to
one word responses; just say everything that pops into your
I say ... and you think ... ?

Hurry! :: Up and wait.
Dumb :: not smart
Fudge :: sicle
Sturdy :: building
Printing :: press
Itch :: scratch
Creaks :: door
Paste :: glue
Waste of time ::  for me, probably playing games, but they 
relax me and take my mind off things.
Let down :: disappointment
Cancellation :: no more
Suspect :: bad guy
Fireplace ::  cozy
Spring :: flowers
Commute :: drive
Places :: home
Fraud :: fake
Adoption :: baby
Election :: day
Moving day :: school (because we still have to move
back into the classrooms).


  1. Games are NOT wastes of time! Good for the brain!

    1. That is good news for me! They seem good for me.

  2. I always enjoy your answers...I hope you have a beautiful week ahead, smiles.

  3. Fudgsicles, yummmm! I agree with Roger, playing games are good for us. I think of it as sharpening pencils or pulling weeds or ironing. Let’s my brain unwind and think without pressure.

  4. I am so excited to finish school at noon Monday. Bring on vacation!

  5. hi Lori! This is a fun meme, maybe I will try next Sunday!! XO

  6. Interesting responses! A few were similar to mine. Always fun! Have a good week ahead, Lori!

  7. Ah, moving day! That last activity before your vacation starts.

  8. You have to switch rooms and stuff, I suppose, at the beginning and end of each year. Seems daunting.

    1. Not usually, our building is being renovated and everything had to be packed and out and is in storage, K-1 is actually going to be in another building next year and early childhood will be in the first grade hall. My husband is working on the job and is saying we may get to move into our rooms by Spring Break, but I could wait until the end of the year to be honest. Once we are in our completed rooms, we can stay put. I just do not want to do it on Spring Break.


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