
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Tuesday 4 Meme- Rainy Days and Mondays


Rainy Days and Mondays

Welcome to  Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we ask just 4 questions each week to get you blogging and thinking and meeting other bloggers!

1. Do Mondays get you down or did they ever? How about a rainy day? What makes it better?  Yes, when I have to work on Monday I hate it.  The school I teach at does a 4 day school week, so we have Monday off or it is a PD day.  Monday is hard for me because I am usually tired. 
 Getting a good night's sleep makes it better or the sun being out can make it better.

2. How do you like to spend rainy days?  I like to be at home reading a book.

3.Do you like to take a walk in the rain?  not really.

4.What is your weather like this summer so far? What would make it better or worse?  What is your ideal summer weather?  It hasn't been too bad.  We have had some 100º days in June and then we would have a cool down into the 80's and low humidity.  It is August now though and it is back in the 100's with humidity.  I try to stay in as much as possible.  June can be nice here in Missouri with temperatures in the upper 80's and low 90's.  It is almost always high humidity here, but this summer hasn't been awful.

MOM UPDATE-  I was able to get a urine test done last Monday just to make sure her UTI was fully gone and it was.  Her memory started getting better last week as well and I was able to take her home on Wednesday.  She seems to be doing good so far.  Thank-you for your prayers!


  1. You are blessed with better weather then we are. It has been crazy storms but we need the rain. I am glad to hear your mom is doing better.I will keep praying for you both.

  2. Great update on MoM♥ Enjoyed your answers, have a great week.

  3. High humidity makes the heat so much worse. I hope that improves for you. I am praying for your Mom.

  4. No Monday's don't bother me it is just another day of the week, I like being home on a rainy day and not needing to go out in it. Nope no walking in the rain for me

  5. I'm glad to hear your mom is doing so much better.
    I'm sorry to read you are so tired on mondays. You must have very intens weekends.
    Have a good week!

  6. I enjoyed your answers. I thought we were supposed to have some 100 degree days, but not yet Phew. Good news about your mom.

  7. I am glad your Mom is better. UTI's in the elderly can be very bad. My MIL used to get them a lot and we really thought she had dementia but it really was the effects of the UTI. Although as she got older she did have some dementia as well, but not as bad as when she had a UTI. Something to remember for when WE get old! LOL. I didn't know you had Mondays off at your school! That is nice! So then, your Tuesday must feel like a Monday! LOL. But it's nice to have that extra day to prepare for the rest of the week. I just read your comment on my blog about the high winds/storm/power outage. Wow! Amazing how fierce the summer storms can be without much warning! Glad your power is restored...that's really tough to be without in the summer when it is so hot. Or really any time...we are very dependent on our electricity! I hope you have a good week!


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