
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tuesday 4 Meme- Summertime Easy Living?


Summertime Easy Living?

 Hey! Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we ask just 4 questions each week to give you something to blog about, something to think about and a reason to visit other blogs!

Summer time and the living is easy says the song.  So how is summer going for you? Let's talk about it.....

1. How has it been so far?  Not the best.

2. What have you been doing this summer?  My mom was sick all of July, so I was taking care of her.  I was so worried.  She is fine now and back at her house.

3. What are you going to do? Any plans?  My summer is actually over.  School starts today (Tuesday).

4. It's been hot in most of the country but here on the Jersey coast it's been perfect so far. Not too hot, not too cool but just right with breezes.   How are you weathering the heat. Any tips on staying  cool on hot, humid days?  Clothing, food, drinks, fans, air conditioning? Let us know your secrets to keeping cooler.  We are having an excessive heat warning this week here in Missouri with temperatures up at 100º and feels like at 115º. The humidity is really high, so no recess at school will be hard for little learners.  I usually stay inside and drink lots of water.  I wear cool clothes and my ceiling fans run with my A/C.


  1. We are also having heat warnings, I think this is the hottest summer I remember. Good to hear your MoM is doing well.

  2. I hope you're going to get a wonderful schoolyear.

    The climate is completely nuts. I assume AC helps a lot.

  3. I'm sorry your mom has been sick and I'm glad she is doing better. We're having pretty high temps here this week too, but not quite as high as yours. Stay safe and have a good week.

  4. Our kids went back to school last week. Gosh, I remember when we didn't start back until after Labor Day. I enjoyed my visit! Good luck with your new school year, Lori!

  5. I hope summer is good and not too hot, winter overall hasn't been too cold.
    I do nothing and rarely leave the house but life is good
    I have never been a big plan maker, I just go with the flow

  6. I am glad to hear your mother is doing better. I hope she stays well. I know you are busy now with school back in session. But hopefully those will be happy times for you. Take care my friend.

  7. Hi Lori, I am sorry your mom was sick, but glad you could be there to take care of your mom. I hope your weather cools down soon. We had 30 days of 100 degree weather last year, but no humidity. I hope the kids can handle the heat. Stay cool!

  8. I know you feel like you had no summer break with you concerns for your mother. I am thankful she is better now, it is also horrid to start back to school during this weird heat wave! I am praying for you to have a wonderful class and a great year with your students!

  9. i hope you can stay cool in the heat wave. I am happy to hear your mother is okay once again. It's just awful worrying about a parent.

  10. Glad your mom is doing okay! We are still going to get more hot and humid weather.

  11. Glad your mom is doing better. I'm ready for rain. Our temps here in washington have been high with some 100+ degree days, but we've had hardly any rain since april, and we desperately need it. Too many fires.


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