Holiday Time
Hi. Welcome to the continuation of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. Just 4 questions to get you thinking, talking and visiting other bloggers.
This week it might be nice to focus on December and it's traditions.
1. The 7th is Pearl Harbor Day when a terrible sneak attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii destroyed many ships in the American fleet and convinced Congress to declare war.
President Roosevelt said, "Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan." Yes, it should be infamous forever. How do you honor the memory of the men who died in this cowardly attack? Do you put out your flag on that day to remember the service men killed ? I listen to what the news has to say about it. I typically hear the speech Roosevelt gave and I fly my flag. It was a sad day. I was not born, but what an awful day.
2. Many people begin baking, buying gifts, decorating for the upcoming holidays of Chanukah and Christmas. Do you bake or buy? What cookies and cakes are your favorite this time of year? Got a recipe to share? I mostly buy. I do not have much time to bake until my vacation starts and some of our Christmas events have already happened by then. I like sugar cookies...really any kind of cookies. I may make some of the cinnamon ornaments for the tree that make the house smell good. I have not made those for a while. I made them with Josh when he was little.
3. December 15 is Bill of Rights day. The 18th begins Chanukah the Festival of Lights during which the light was rekindled in the desecrated temple in Jerusalem. The temple was cleansed and the light reentered it. The 21st is the Winter Solstice or first day of winter. What traditions, days, etc. have meaning for you in December? How about advent.. does it hold meaning for you? We celebrate Christmas and what it means for the Christan...the birth of Jesus. I am also always aware of the season change. Here is our Christmas Tree for this year.
4. Christmas music is being played in stores during these December days. Does it play in your home? How excited are you for the upcoming holidays? Sometimes. I mostly listen to music when I am driving. I love the holidays. I am very excited for them.