
Friday, April 21, 2023

Saturday 9: I Won't Be the One to Let Go


Saturday 9: I Won't Be the One to Let Go (2002)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Barbra Streisand begins by singing about dreams and wishes. What are you wishing for this morning?  Just a nice relaxing and peaceful day.

2) Barry Manilow sings that "anytime you need me, you'll know where I am." If a friend needs you, what's the best way to reach you (text, phone call, email, knock on the front door ...)?  text.  I will respond to a text quickly.  I tend to not answer my phone unless it is family.  I would get an email possibly if it came across my phone.  I do not always answer my door either.  It is always best to text me and let me know your plan.  That way I will be ready and I can respond.
3) Both of this week's artists are from Brooklyn. In addition to Barry and Barbra, Brooklyn is home to Coney Island, where America's first roller coaster debuted in 1884. Do you enjoy amusement park rides? If yes, do you have a favorite?  I do enjoy smaller amusement park rides.  My very favorite ride is the one where Josh works at Silver Dollar City.  It is called Fire in the Hole.  It is a "dark ride" which is a roller coaster that is inside and in the dark.  I LOVE it!  I loved the big coasters that go upside down when I was young, but I will stick to the smaller ones now.

4) Barbra and her husband, actor James Brolin, have lived in the same Malibu home for more than 25 years. How long have you been in your current residence? Do you think you'll be moving anytime soon?  25 years.  We have no plans to move at this time.

5) Barry Manilow once lived in luxurious Bel Air. His neighbors were former President and Mrs. Reagan. At first he thought it would be great to have the Reagans nearby but quickly changed his mind because he disliked the Secret Service helicopters flying overhead. Tell us about one of your neighbors. (No pressure; we don't expect to hear about historic figures.)  One of my neighbors is Suzy.  She is the sweetest lady.  She mowed our lawn when Karl and I first got married and still mows lawns in the summer.  She has dogs she takes for walks and several years ago she started walking several miles (like 10 a day) and lost a lot of weight.   She is a cook at the local elementary school here and is just the nicest person you would ever want to meet.
6) As a teenager, Barbra worked as a switchboard operator. Her job consisted of connecting calls by inserting phone plugs into the appropriate jacks. As telephoning became automated, these jobs were phased out and by 1983, the switchboard operator was obsolete. Can you think of another occupation that used to be common but doesn't exist anymore?  Does anyone have a milk man anymore?  My Papa (my mom's dad) was a milk man when he was young.  My dad was a typing teacher.  That doesn't exist anymore either.  They teach keyboarding at school, but the librarian teaches it, and the kids start keyboarding in elementary school.  When I worked at the elementary school, the librarian was one of my dad's former students.  She is still there.

7) Loyal Fanilows can subscribe to ManilowTV. For $9.95/month, fans can watch exclusive content, like interviews and concert performances. Do you more often watch live broadcast TV or streamed content? streamed content

8) In 2002, the year this recording was released, the Sears Wish Book offered seven different collectible Barbies. According to Mattel, the doll's manufacturer, there are more than 100,000 Barbie collectors all over the world. Do you collect anything?  not really

9) Random question: Are you exclusively an online/ATM bank customer, or do you often go into the branch and interact with a teller? online/ ATM


  1. I hadn't thought of the milk man! Ours was a wondrous mystery to me because we gave us a silver insulated box for our front porch. We put the empties in there and he'd replace them with full bottles of fresh milk. I never saw him! I didn't realize typing isn't taught in schools anymore.

  2. I've always love the corny old dark rides best. It really made me sad when they started to disappear from the parks. I hadn't thought of the typing teacher. I remember typing being a required course for everyone. Of course, teaching handwriting is obsolete, too. I wonder if the keyboard will fade away in the future with us just being able to speak and the phone/computer will compose what we say for us?

  3. My grandmother used to love to have the Fuller Brush man visit her. I'm not sure what all he sold, but she loved it when he came around. You don't see those anymore, either (or encyclopedia sales people!). We've lost that human connection in many ways, haven't we?

  4. I don't like any roller coasters.
    My godfather sold vacuum cleaners door to door. I know there aren't any of those salesmen any longer!
    It was nice when my son told me he was glad I forced him to take typing in high school (which he wasn't happy about at the time)

  5. I used to love roller coasters but they are too much for my old bones now! Fun questions again this week!! Have a blessed weekend, Lori! xo

  6. I hope you are enjoying a relaxing weekend!

  7. I am resting today and went to bed early and did not get Saturday 9 done. We had the nicest milk man back in the 70's. I had diaper service too when my boys were babies. Do you collect books?

  8. #2 I have a special ring for those on my contact list.
    #3 We have the oldest continuously operated amusement park in the the country.
    #6 A local dairy is advertising free delivery.


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