
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tuesday 4 Meme- Music, Music, Music


Music, Music, Music

 How are you doing?  It's great to have you back here at Toni Taddeo's Tuesday4.  

 Music is something most people truly enjoy but some find it annoying at times.   Some listen at home, some in cars, and music is played in restaurants, shops, you name it, music provides a background for many activities.

1.What kind of music appeals to you?  What kind  can you do without?  
I like 80's music and I can do without rap.

2.Do you consider music an  important part of life?    Why or why not?  I do consider it important.  It can change my mood so quickly and I really need that sometimes.  I like to listen to 80's music and it is amazing how a song can transport you back to a certain time in your life....80's would be high school and college.  It instantly makes me feel young and makes me think about my high school and college friends.

3 What's on the radio as you drive or what is on at home and do you find music in restaurants and shops soothing or off putting?   We have stations that are 70's, 80's, 90's and beyond.  It was a few years ago...about the time I turned 50 that I stopped liking the current music.  It just sounds bad to me...I am sure it is my age.

4. Would you tell us some of your favorite songs and singers please?  I have so many songs and groups I love.  I like Depeche Mode, The Cars, Bon Jovi, Queen, Pet Shop Boys...gosh...really, I love a lot of music.  I enjoy musicals, old country, southern gospel, rock and roll, classical.   I LOVE music.


  1. I enjoyed your answers. There is so much music to like and I forgot until I read your answers that I LOVE classical, lol.

  2. Hi Lori, I am not a rap fan either, but I sure did enjoyed Alexander Hamilton. I do not like Heavy Metal music. I am more of a soft rock girl.
    I love musicals!

  3. I am chuckling at your #4 because I haven't heard of any of most of those groups from the 80s. Queen & Bon Jovi, yes. My classic music is from the 60s & 70s. Another fun Tuesday 4. Blessings, Lori!

  4. Yes. I think it's an age thing. Can't get into modern music.

  5. I think so many can do without rap!

  6. Good answer for #1. That is so true about music taking you back in time. I'm glad you like music. Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend.

  7. Great answers. I don't care for rap either...or really any music that I can't understand the words.

  8. Like you, I don't like Rap at all. I do like Hip Hop, but gah.. not rap. I love classical and all other music.


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