
Friday, November 10, 2023

Saturday 9: P. S. I Love You (1953)


Saturday 9: P. S. I Love You (1953)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, a man fills his lover in on what's going on in his daily life, including that he was in bed by 9:00 PM. Do you have a regular bedtime?  I do during the week.  I like to start getting ready for bed...wash my face, etc around 8:30PM and be in bed by 9PM and watch some news/weather.  Then once the weather is over, I turn the tv off and try to go to sleep.

2) He reports that yesterday it rained, but all in all, he can't complain. Do you often find yourself discussing/complaining about the weather?  Yes, if it rains and we have to stay inside (at work- 5 year olds need recess), I complain.  I also complain when I am too hot or cold...LOL!!

3) This song was recorded many times, by artists as diverse as Rudy Vallee (1934) and Bob Dylan (2017). It's endured because the theme -- reaching out and staying in touch across the miles -- is universal. Is there anyone in your life with whom you regularly correspond? If yes, do you prefer cards/letters, emails or texts?  Just my mom and I see her in person every Friday.  She likes to call.  I prefer to talk to most people via text.  People that live far away, I mostly chat with on facebook...private message and such.

4) This 1953 version was a hit for The Hilltoppers. The band members met at Western Kentucky University and took their name from the nickname of their school's athletic teams. What was the name of your school's team?  Wolves in school (Reeds Spring), Lions in college (MSSU) and Bears (MSU) when I got my education degree.

5) The Hilltoppers always performed in W sweaters, for Western Kentucky. Do you own any sweaters, caps or jackets that celebrate your alma mater?  I have lots of clothes for my school since I teach at my school.  I do not think I have anything from college (MSSU) anymore and I have a t-shirt for MSU since it is not that far from my house and we see games sometimes.

6) By 1960, The Hilltoppers' records weren't selling anymore. But they continued to perform and in 1970 they became the house band at The Holiday Inn in Fort Walton Beach, FL. They were so popular with tourists that they played at that Holiday Inn for years. When did you last stay in a hotel, motel or airbnb? Oh gosh.  We never go anywhere.  It was probably in San Antonio when we went to visit there.  * (updated) I lied, I just remembered I stayed in a nice hotel when I went to my teacher conference in the spring.

7) In 1953, the year this recording was popular, the Eisenhowers moved into The White House. First Lady Mamie Eisenhower was known for her down-to-earth style. For example, she often shared her recipe for Million Dollar Fudge, saying that since it's easy to make and foolproof, she recommended her fudge as the perfect hostess gift. When you're invited to someone's home, do you bring a hostess gift?  Yes, usually a dessert or side dish.  We mostly meet at restaurants though.
8) Also in 1953, radio personality Arthur Godfrey made news for having one of the nation's very first hip replacements. Have you/would you ever be part of a clinical trial, either for a new drug or medical procedure?  I am not sure.  
 9) Random question -- Do you fold your socks or roll them?  fold


  1. I think it's lovely that you call your mom and see her weekly. My mom has been gone a decade now, and I still miss her.

  2. Love the new background here, Lori. I always enjoy your answers. Have a beautiful day, smiles.

  3. #5 The only thing that I get from the colleges that I went to is… “Give me money!”
    #6 I help organize the social work conference every year for CECs… I got to get the conference bags! They’re great for grocery shopping.
    #7 I just went out to lunch with some senior friends and this coming week with former friends form work.

  4. I forgot to mention my high school mascot in my post. It’s great that you still go to the games from MSU

  5. I don't visit my parents as often as I know I should, but we do email daily.

  6. I remember rainy days when I was in grade school. We played Heads up 7 up. I liked playing in the rain. I remember wearing yellow galoshes and raincoats. That was back when we all walked. Not everyone is picked up.

  7. You didn't lie, you forgot. There's a big difference.

  8. That songs "P.S. I Love You" sounds familar and talking about the weather is so normal . it is just part of life. I am a pen paler and have been since I was14 and love it.

  9. Wow, you are really disciplined about your bedtime routine. I keep saying I need to be like that, but haven't done anything about it yet.

  10. I must be the only person who doesn't fold my socks! LOL Lori, I enjoyed your answers to another fun Saturday 9. Have a blessed week ahead!!


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