
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Tuesday 4 Meme- Thankful



 Hello friends and welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  

Thanksgiving Day is about here. Let's talk about the holiday and thankfulness.

1. Whether you are from the USA or not, thankfulness is beneficial to a nation and people.  Is it a natural thing for you to think of being thankful or is it something you must be reminded about?  It is natural for me to be thankful.  Even when bad things happen, I am looking for the positive.

2.  Plimoth Plantation is the site of the original settlement and everything is authentic to the 1600's including how they speak. Have you been to Plymouth Rock?   How about the Plimoth Plantation (yes that is the proper spelling). Would you like to go visit these places?     What places are you thankful for having seen?      I have not seen these places, but I would enjoy seeing them.  I am most thankful for seeing the ocean.  It was such a neat vacation and I enjoyed seeing the dolphins.  I cried when I saw mountains.  I want to go stay in the mountains someday.

3. Do you tune into the Macy's Parade?  YES!  I remember watching that at my Granie and Papa's house as a kid.  We always have it on and the dog show and football.  I love Thanksgiving.  I am sure I will be watching the Black Friday sales online too.

4. What will you be eating on Thanksgiving Day this year?  Smoked turkey, mashed potatoes/gravy, hot rolls, vegetables, deviled eggs, dressing.  We will also have pumpkin pie, pecan pie, lemon meringue pie and German Chocolate cake (my mom's favorite).  She will be turning 80.


  1. Hi Lori, I guess I am lucky to live less than an hour to the beach and 1- 2 hours from the mountains and an hour from the desert. San Diego is about 90 minutes away, LA about an hour. That is nice that you still have your mom. I love your siggy. I went to the link, but could not find it. It is super cute! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I remember the first time I saw the ocean and the mountains, both in the same trip. Lived in Corpus Christi where I was only 5 miles to the water, it quickly became my new hangout. Oh I love german chocolate cake my favorite, can you email me some pretty please. :) Happy Thanksgiving

  3. I'll probably look at some sales. I have to work, so I may forget. Lol. Enjoyed your answer.s

  4. I thought I had left a comment here but it seems I didn't, I am thankful for many things in life, of course I have heard of Plimoth Rock but never been there and being an Aussie living down under it isn't going to happen. I have also heard of the Macy's Parade but never seen it. I hope your Thanksgiving is a good one

  5. Congratulations with your mom's birthday.

    I can understand your reaction to the mountains.
    I love to be there, and hopefully I will be able to walk wll enough to go.

    Enjoy your weekend!


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