1. Have Your Ever Driven Drunk Or Even Slightly Buzzed? I have in college.
I did a lot in college I never had done before and never have since. That was
one of those things.
2. What Was The Funniest Moment In Your Life? This was in college and I was
2. What Was The Funniest Moment In Your Life? This was in college and I was
young...but I was playing tennis with my roommate and I was running for the
ball and I flipped over a wire fence. It hurt, but the visual for me is so funny.
I laughed at myself and my roommate was worried, but when I started laughing,
she did too. It left a huge bruise on my legs. I was young, so I didn't really get
hurt that much, except for that bruise.
3. What Kind Of Things Really Makes You Laugh? When kids are laughing, it
is contagious.
4. If You Could Jump Into A Pool Full Of Something, What Would It Be? water.
I am not sure if I would want to jump into anything else. These answers are going
to be so interesting.
5. Which Habit Are You Proudest Of Breaking? Drinking so much caffeine. I stopped
drinking so much caffeine after my gallbladder surgery. I wasn't drinking any after that
and so it was easy to cut way back. I need caffeine to wake up, but I am good after I have
that in the morning.
6. Which Animal Do You Find The Sexiest Of All? I am no sure that I have ever
thought about an animal that way...not sure.
7. What’s The Weirdest Nickname You’ve Ever Had? Ray Ray
8, What Do You Wish You Were Really Good At? painting or playing piano.
9. If You Were A Dog, What Kind Of Dog Would You Be? I loved my corgi. I will
go with corgi. They are little clown dogs. My corgi's personality was so similar
to my own. We got along so well.
10. What’s The Most Spontaneous Thing You’ve Ever Done? I decide to take road trips.
This started in college with one of my roommates. We would take off and drive for hours.
Every now and then I like to do that still with Karl and Josh.
11. If You Had A Time Machine, Would You Go Back In Time Or Visit The Future?
The future scares me a bit, but I would love to go back in time and see my
Grandparents again and enjoy Josh as a little boy again. I would love to be in the
year 2000.
12. What Was The Last Show You Binge-Watched? I watched as many episodes as I could
of Dr. Death on Peacock. It is based on a true story. To watch the rest you have to
subscribe, which we may to finish this show and others I want to see.
13. If You Had To Rename Yourself, What Name Would You Choose? I have thought
about this in the past, but I am good with the name Lori. I am used to it now.
14. What Did You Do During The Summers When You Were Growing Up? I rode my
bike and played outside all day with the neighbor kids. I would also play in the
water hose and if I had a kiddie pool, I would play in the water.
15. If You Go To A Restaurant And Have Terrible Service, Is It Ever OK Not To Tip? I
always tip. If the server is REALLY good and kind, they will get a big tip. I reward
people that work hard. If the server were to be really rude I might not tip. I don't think
I have ever experienced that though.