
Friday, January 5, 2024

Saturday 9: This Could Be the Start of Something


Saturday 9: This Could Be the Start of Something (1959)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Welcome to the first Saturday 9 on 2024.

1) We're beginning the year with an optimistic song about starting something new. Right now, are you feeling positive about 2024?  Not really.  I spent New Year's Eve at the ER with my mom again...another UTI and she was confused.  We were there 6 hours.  We went to bed at 4AM.  The ER got busy at midnight with the people that had been drinking too much.  Anyway, she I am writing this on Friday morning and she is at our house, but could probably go home soon.  It is snowing , so we shall see.  Josh also caught something from the ER, so I am keeping an eye on him too.
2) In this song, Jack Jones sings that because he's on a diet he declines a rich dessert. Are you trying to lose a few pounds after the holidays?  not right now.

3) The specific dessert referred to is a Charlotte Russe, a cake made with custard, fruit, cream, whiskey and gelatin. Preparation sounds like a great deal of work! What's the most recent dish you whipped up in your kitchen?  I baked cookies the other day.  I have been cooking food for my mom.

4) The lyrics contrast dining at Sardi's in New York with sunbathing in Malibu. Do you enjoy nightlife or are you more outdoorsy?  I would have said nightlife when I was younger.  I like to take walks outside and be in the pool, but the mosquitoes keep me inside.

5) This week's song was written by Steve Allen. While best known for his work on TV (he was the first host of The Tonight Show), he was also a composer who felt most creative at the piano. When do you feel most creative?  I don't really ever feel creative.  I will say lesson planning and house decorating.
6) This week's artist, Jack Jones, won a pair of Grammy Awards and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Yet he's probably best known for singing the song that welcomed travelers aboard The Love Boat every week. What TV theme song can you sing along with?  FRIENDS, but I can sing a lot of theme songs.  
7) In 1959, when this song was popular, "continuing dramas" (aka soap operas) like Young Dr. Malone and Ma Perkins were broadcast daily on the radio. When you turn on the radio, do you listen for news, talk or music?  music

8) Now let's turn the calendar and our attention from 1959 to 2024. Is there a skill you're looking forward to learning, or improving, this year?  The only skills I have planned to improve on right now are teaching reading skills.  I will be attending training for specifically teaching young kids reading.

9) Have you purchased anything on impulse yet this year?  I have bought some more clothes.


  1. Sorry to hear that your mom was sick again. Good that you got yourself some clothes. I have bought several Christian T Shirts this year from a placed called Love in Faith. Have a great weekend!

  2. New Year's Eve in the ER! You poor thing! I hope Josh and especially your mom are feeling better soon. Now I have the Friends theme running through my head. :)

  3. So sorry to hear about your mom and all that she and you are going through. UTI's can be really difficult, especially for the elderly. My MIL used to get them a lot and I think they really were the cause of a lot of her dementia-like actions. She was actually having kind of hallucinations from the UTI's. Once they got that under better control, her mind was better. So I will keep you and your mom in my prayers. I also tend to get them, and I know how unpleasant they can be. I hope you have a wonderful new year. Teaching reading skills to you young children does take a lot of patience and skill. I will pray for you as you help these little ones open up a whole new world when they can read! Thank you for your diligence and patience in teaching little ones. You are a blessing!

  4. Aww...I am sorry about your mom, keeping in prayer. Clothes are always a good buy, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful day, friend.

  5. I hope your mom bounces back from this illness. Same with Josh. And I think being a teacher is very creative (I had the same answer about lesson planning).

  6. So sorry about your Mom...and how terrible that Josh got sick in the ER. Doesn't say much for hospital protocol! Happy new year.

    1. We sat in the waiting room 5 of the 6 hours. I felt like I was swimming in a petri dish of germs. They had no rooms and the sickest were going back first. They finally got us back just to see a doctor real fast and get antibiotics. I can't take her to urgent care because of her memory issues when she gets these UTI's.

  7. I hope your Mom and Josh will be ok. Hospitals are dangerous places.

    1. yes, especially right now. Everyone was coughing. :( I will probably get sick again when I go back to school.

  8. UTIs are horrible and cause all kinds of maladies. I'm glad your mom got treatment and has been able to stay with you as she recuperates. Hope you are able to enjoy your last few days of the Christmas/New Year holiday time.

  9. I have mixed feelings about the coming year, sadly I no longer cook or bake and I am not creative at all. I like to listen to both music and the news, lately I have bought a number of things on impulse but not expensive stuff.

  10. I'm glad your mom is doing better now, but geez...prayers for Josh. I hate having to go to the hospital or MedExpress these days. They are such cesspools of germs and I want to wash with bleach when I get out of them. My grandson tested positive for covid today. Poor guy. I haven't seen him in over a week so he didn't get it from me. There is just so much stuff out there right now...covid, flu,'s endless.


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