
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Sunday Stealing- More from Facebook

More questions from Facebook

1. What's your favorite movie from your childhood and why?  I saw The Fox and the

Hound when I was little and I really liked that and then when I was a little older I 
liked E.T.

2. What is home to you?  where my family is.

3. Do you get emotionally invested in stories? (I'm asking about movies, books, tv shows,

whatever medium you like your stories in.)  Yes, I do.

4. What is the most physical damage you've ever received without needing medical
intervention  (so no stitches or splints or anything)?  I fell a couple of years ago and
hurt my arms really bad. That was the year I had my gall bladder out, my arms still hurt
long after I was healed from my surgery.  I think they were sprained.
5. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
6. Do you have any obsessions? Like Tv shows, or cats or something. Not addictions.
 baseball, football and books.

7. What question or question would you like God to answer?  Why do little babies and kids
die or Why are people born unwell and have to live their life like that?

8. Do you bite your nails?  no

9. What do you like about the place you live, I mean your housing, apt, house, mobile home,

 etc  We have a really big bedroom.  I love that.  When we have looked at other houses 
always think their rooms are small.

10. What do you like about the city or town where you live?  It is quiet and peaceful.

11. Is there one place you have visited that you wish you could live there? 
Orange Beach, Alabama.  I loved Alabama so much.  The ocean is prettier than the lake

12. What's your favorite cookie to snack on?  I love Snickerdoodles, but I will say
chocolate chip

13. Are you a Apple person or PC type person and why?  I have never had a Mac, so I

am a PC person just because I do not know better.

14. What's your favorite things about the Zoo?  Getting to visit the animals.  I love them
all...except the snakes, those are gross.

15. Did you grow up in the country, city or small town and what did you like about it 
(or hate about it if you didn’t like it?)  country.  I liked it, it is beautiful where I live with
the lakes, hills and trees.  When I moved to the city (Kansas City), it was so ugly in
comparison.  There was so much more to do though.

16. What kinds of things were you into and do when you were growing up?  
music, biking, boys

17 .Do you enjoy receiving letters or postcards more, and why?

I love it.  They are so unexpected anymore.  I love hearing from people. 

18. Do or did you know any of your great-grandparents? Tell me about them.
I did!  I barely remember them, but my Great-Grandparents on my Grandmother's
side were Fred and Allie.  Allie was almost full blood Indian, my mom looks very
Indian (Native American..whatever)  Fred lived to be in his 100's...he was really tall
with White hair.  Allie was tiny. My Grandpa's parents I only met once.
I don't remember much about them.  They were nice though.

19. Do you like to be outdoors? What is your favorite thing to do there?  I do, I just enjoy
watching people or gardening.

20. Have you ever broken a bone or been badly injured?  no


  1. Snickerdoodles - what a gret name for a biscuit - er sorry - cookie.




  2. Smiling because your answer about being into boys growing up is probably one of the most honest answers I've ever seen! LOL We do get fairly obsessive about them in our early teens, don't we? Lots of people like snickerdoodles...I do, but think of them as a Christmas cookie. Have a great Sunday, Lori!

  3. Gulf Shores is beautiful and I highly recommend there. I enjoyed your answers, have a beautiful day, friend.

  4. I enjoyed your answers, especially #16 with the boys.
    Have a great Sunday.

  5. My friends and I were obsessed with makeup as teens. We'd practice all the glamorous looks on each other. While talking about boys and gossipping, of course!

  6. Another Snickerdoodles fan!

    Sadly the new column on the right hand side of your page covers up your answers so I missed a few things.

  7. How interesting that you have Native American ancestors! Have you done any family tree work? I enjoyed your answers, Lori! Have a good week ahead!

    1. I have! The Native American line is the most interesting to me. It has been a while since I have looked at it.

  8. Snickerdoodles seem to be very popular today

  9. That is cool information about your ancestors.

  10. I am adopted. I have friends from India as well and they are treated badly. I do not understand it. It makes no sense to me to like someone more based on their skin color.

  11. My mom has been treated badly as well for being Native American. People are so ignorant.

  12. Great question for #7. I've often wondered that myself.


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