
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Tuesday 4 Meme- The Four Seasons


The Four Seasons

1. How would you describe each of the four seasons?  Spring- new life, Summer-free and easy, fall-crisp and colorful, winter-magical snowfall.

2.  How do you generally feel during each season? Do you suffer allergy, feel tired, sad, happy, energized? What does each season do for you?  Summer-relaxed (I am off in the summer), fall- excited for holidays, winter- hopeful for snow. spring- excited for new life.

3.  If there is to be only one season for you to live in, which one would it be and why?  I think for me, it would be fall.  It is so beautiful, and the weather is nice.  I always look forward to decorating at this time and celebrating holidays.

4. What color(s) do you associated with summer, winter, autumn and spring?  Example: maybe summer is green, winter is white..etc.  summer-yellow, winter-white, autumn- orange, spring-green.


  1. Fall was mine too! Cute siggie!!

  2. Hi Lori, the siggie was from Punkys Cottage, no longer on line.

    1. I understand your sentiment if preferring fall to a rainy spring, but I remember so well loving spring because it was that much closer to summer vacation. Oh, on the way to school I passed a brook lined with weeping willows. On the first day those weeping willow fronds came out in spring green you could hear me rejoicing across the county!

  3. I love Fall too but I picked Spring as my favourite. It's only because I get melancholy in Fall but it's a beautiful season.

  4. This would have been hard for me, living in Florida where the season changes are so subtle. Loved your answers!! xo

  5. Great answers. Fall is still my favorite even though we live in Florida where it isn't as big of a deal as it is further north. But it is the cooling off and the golden days that I love. Spring is also a beautiful season. Winter is blah and brown, and summer is just too hot and humid and buggy. We are thankful to live where we do, and we also are thankful for air conditioning! LOL.


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