
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Busy Week

I got my last lesson plan written and typed yesterday and the laundry done. I guess Josh is going to spend the night with my parents tonight and then they are all going to Oklahoma for a couple of days. They will be back Friday. Josh is excited about going.
This is going to be a busy week for me. I keep finding more work to do in my syllabus. I have never had this problem with a class, but I am not sure what I am doing. I e-mailed the teacher last night, so hopefully I will get some answers.
Anyway, like I said, it is going to be a busy week. I will just write what I am doing daily as I blog, so it doesn't take so long.
I have class and lab today. I teach my first of four lessons, they are small mini-lessons, so no I am not nervous, it is what I do at the preschool basically. I also need to try and get a lot of pictures of my focus child. Like I mentioned the other day, we are supposed to have been taking pictures this whole time and I haven't been. I am playing catch up this week.
I better get going. Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July. You can see my previous post for what we did. Have a nice week!!


  1. Hi Lori;

    I hope this comment posts here. They aren't on my site and no one knows why. LOL! I left a message on your Cbox too. Hugs

  2. Hello Lori, sorry your week is going to be so busy, it's a good timing for Josh trip with your parents. Good luck with everything, hugs

  3. HI Lori!
    You are a busy girl! How fun for Josh to go on a little trip your parents.
    Hope you are having a good day.

  4. Sounds like your summer is about as busy as the rest of the year... When do you get rest time?!?!?!


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