I got my lesson plans done, but it was late in the day yesterday. I had a headache all day from not having my allergy medicine. I ran out. Karl went to get me some, I had to take a nap to get rid of the headache, but when I woke up, I did my lesson plans. So that is done. Yay!! I have one left.
Today we are planning to go to our church 4th of July celebration, it is huge. I think last year there were 120,000 people there. It is open to the public. The fireworks are awesome. Anyway, we are going to try to go this evening to see the fireworks. I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July!! Be safe as we celebrate our freedom!!! Remember those who fought for our freedom and are still fighting to protect our freedom too.
HI Lori, have a Happy 4th of July! God Bless the men and women that serve. I hope your headache is better. I have a lot of headaches to this time of year. Big hugs