
Monday, June 20, 2011

Meisha to the vet

Today I took Meisha in at 7AM to get spayed. I hate dropping the girls off for that. I worry all day about them, I know she is fine though. It was funny because as I was giving her to the girl to take to the back Meisha was acting up a little and I asked the girl if she wanted me to help her and she told me what I tell the parents at the preschool. It is best if you just go, sometimes they will do better once you are gone. I kind of giggled on the way out. I should have known better right? LOL!!
So for my class I have to spend time with an administrator. So this afternoon I am planning on spending some time with mine from the preschool. I need to get in a lot of hours with her this week if possible because she is going on a 2 week vacation. When she gets back, I will be in my last week of class. My homework is caught up, so tonight I plan to baby Meisha.
Josh had a good time camping. He lost two teeth. He still has a lot of baby teeth and this has been a problem with moving along with his braces. We already had 4 pulled last year, so hopefully the rest will come on out. Anyway, they went floating on the Current River in Alley Springs, near Eminence, MO. It is really pretty there. I haven't been in years because of college.
I called my dad yesterday for Father's Day and talked to him for a while. Karl and I went to church and they had a nice Father's Day service.
Well, I better get started. Have a nice day!!


  1. We floated there last year and the boys absolutely loved it! It's nice that they are big enough to help handle the canoes now.

    Good luck with Meisha. Spaying is not fun, but they recover quickly and it saves you lots of future trouble!

  2. Awww... I hope Meisha took it well. It's no fun getting spayed. You'll have to baby her for awhile. I guess the mommy instinct comes out even with pets. ;-}

    Things have really changed. I thought children didn't get braces until their permanent teeth were all out. Years back my daughter didn't get braces until she was in her early teens.

    Have a lovely day ahead dear Lori. Hugs

    PS: I too loved Epcot the best. ;-}

  3. Hi Lori! Yes, that's for sure... just leave and they will do fine. :) Glad Josh had fun camping eben if he did lose 2 teeth! :)

    To catch you up... we bought a 2nd house and Jessica and her family are living there. Here's the link to the post about it.

  4. I need to get our youngest cat spayed... That is, if she is a girl. I can't tell for sure. *rofl* ... I've even had other people look and they all say the same thing as me. We are all about 80% sure it's a girl, but none of us are 100%. *rofl*

    Anyway, our other three cats are fixed, but not CeeCee. Soon though...

    Hope she's feeling better after her surgery!

  5. Sounds like you have been busy busy this spring, now summer too!! We have had rain rain and more rain and I am sure you have too. Thanks for your comment on my blog, I need to update it badly. Hope your dog did well; I understand how it is taking them to the vet as well.


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