
Saturday, August 15, 2020

Sunday Stealing- From Friday Five


From Friday Five

Stolen from Friday Five

1. What makes it easy to talk to someone?  I think for me, it is if they are a
 talkative person.  I am not very talkative, so I think I can be hard to talk
 to unless you know me.  I hate that about myself. 

2. Have you ever had a great conversation with a complete stranger?  See 
 My mom probably has though, she talks to everyone.

3. Do you like to argue?  no, and I do not enjoy being around people that do.  

4. Some people like to talk about things, and some people like to do things. Which are you?
It depends on what it is.  Sometimes I can be a talker and sometimes I just do
 things.  I like to think about things first and sometimes they do not get done.

5. Who is easier to talk to – men or women?  women, they are more talkative
generally...unless you are my husband and he is more talkative than most

6. What is your favorite place?  My gazebo.  It is pretty out there and peaceful
in my yard.

7. What is your favorite place in your home?  My living room

8. Would you most want to live in a city, a suburb or the country?  country

9. What is special about the town you live in?  It isn't anything special, but we
do have The World's Smallest Cathedral.  This is a farming community, 
people go to bed early. It is nice and quiet.

10. How much time do you spend in nature?  In the Spring I would be outside
 all day in my yard reading and taking in nature, but once it gets hot and
the mosquitoes come to ruin my life, I stay in.

11. Do you make up a dinner plan for the coming week?  no, just whatever 
sounds good that day.

12. Do you make up a grocery shopping list and stick to it when shopping?  yes

13. What is one thing that you always buy, but never write down on a list?  Pepsi

14. Is there anything that you always think you are out of and come home with it to
 discover you already have a year’s supply on hand?  Ketchup is something I am
always worried we will run out of.  I use it a lot.

15. Do you get your groceries delivered?  no


  1. Are you in Silver Lake, Virginia?

  2. Your little town sounds like the one I grew up in...the kind of place where they roll up the sidewalks at sundown. The older I get the more I appreciate that kind of simple life and peacefulness. The heat of summer drives me inside, too. Enjoyed learning a bit more about you! Have a great day, Lori!

  3. The world's smallest cathedral? That sounds interesting. Manchester has a ctahedral and I am ashamed to say I have never been inside. I will have to rectify that once all of this virus madness is over.




  4. I don't have a dinner plan either, we just wing it.
    I don't like to argue either.
    I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a great Sunday my friend.

  5. #5... my husband is much more talkative than me!! I enjoyed your answers,Lori! Have a good week ahead, my friend!

  6. I'm a very good listener and I bet I could get you talking. :)

    1. definitely. It is not hard to get me talking, I just do not seem to initiate very well.

  7. Oh! That cathedral just makes my heart sing. It's darling.

  8. I always wanted a gazebo, but never got one. It would be a lovely place to sit.

  9. I am jealous! :) I want a gazebo :)

  10. That is nice that you have a gazebo. I agree, the mosquitoes ruin it. I would like to see that mini cathedral.

  11. Never worry about being shy. Besides, with your job, you probably get talked out!
    I am another Pepsi fan!
    Hope you have a lovely and not too very hot, week. Sheesh it's roasting out there!


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