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Kwizgiver1. How long have you lived in your current residence?
25 years in May. It will be our 25th anniversary. We have always lived here.
2. What changes have you made to it since you got there? We have painted all
rooms a couple of times, changed the decorations a couple of times, new
flooring in a couple of rooms. Nothing too major though.
3. What surprised you about living in your place or in your neighborhood?
How weird it is here. I have lived in the city and I have seen stranger things
here in this small town. That was a long time ago though when I was a stay
at home mom. I haven't seen anything lately.
4. If someone were considering moving in next door, what would you warn
them about? Nothing really. It was a little strange several years ago, but it
is quiet again now.
5. If you have to move in the next 45 days, what are you definitely not taking
with you? My stone/oven. I need a new one.
6. What are you currently reading? Nothing right now.
7. What did you recently finish reading? The Four Winds
8. What do you think you’ll read next? The Four Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.
9. When did you take the road less traveled? I can't remember.
10. Did you ever participate in a talent show? no
11. When did you most recently strike out? Plenty, but I can't remember specifics.
12 Where do you go to find yourself? home
13. What do you have mixed feelings about? the baseball negotiations :/
14. What did you most recently add to your collection of something? It was a
hair product, I think detangler.
15. When did something most recently stir you to tears? My neighbor from when
I was a kid died this week. He was still living next to my mom. he called me
to check on me a lot when my dad died. We played together every day when I was
a kid. I am not sure if I have e ever mentioned him in one of our questions, but
his name is Shannon. We rode bikes and played in the woods, climbed trees.
My best memories of being a kid have him in them. He invited Josh to watch
movies with him a couple of years ago. Just the guys. I am so glad Josh had that
time with my friend. Shannon was like a brother to me. He will be missed.
He had a blood clot go to his heart and killed him. I am going to his funeral
on Monday. :(