
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday 4 Meme- Trouble Right here in River City


Trouble Right here in River City

 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we strive to interest you with 4 questions each week.

"ya got trouble my friend, right here I say trouble right here in River City..." the music man

Problems come to us all and you don't even need to live in River City!

Some you can solve, some you can't. Some scare you.    For instance, on Facebook I lost a lot of people from my friends list and I have no idea why. It was enough people to make me think it was a glitch but then I was too shy to ask people if they had gotten rid of me because they just don't like I did nothing.    What about your problems?

1. Do you think that you handle problems well over all?  I do the best I can.  I think I do a pretty good job.

2. What kinds of problems send you into a tizzy or downright scare you? Maybe some just exasperate you?  medical/health.  I worry every single time I have to go to the doctor that something is going to be very wrong.  So far so good though.  I went to the doctor today and just a medication adjustment for my thyroid, other than that he said I looked good.  

3. We always have God in our corner but besides him do you have a reliable back up system to go to for help with car trouble, home repairs and maintenance, or any troubles that may arise for you?  My husband takes care of that stuff.

4 I love the idea that a lovely cupcake can fix anything at all.  "Oh, you are sick? Just eat a dozen of these delicious cupcakes and you will be right as rain!"      What foods, places, music or whatever can make a problem  seem easier to handle?    I guess we are talking about what brings you comfort in the way of material things.  I have never had a "comfort food", but music can help take my mind off things and being at home, even taking a nap helps.


  1. Oh yes, "even taking a nap helps". Yes, I love naps. Seems like we've had a lot of them lately as we've been recuperating, but they are very therapeutic at other times as well. I enjoyed your answers. I hope you are having a lovely summer!

  2. I enjoyed your answers. Glad you got your thyroid adjusted, I have a
    thyroid problem also because it is gone and only have a parathyroid left.
    Have to have my doctor do a blood test ever so often to make sure the
    parathyroid is doing good.

  3. I rarely take naps. Health issues sure increase as we age. I hope you are enjoying your summer. When do you go back to school?

  4. I only nap when I am sick. I'm just not a napper. When I'm tired and I think I'll lay down for a nap, my eyes are suddenly wide open and the nap becomes undone. I'm glad your doctor put your mind at ease!! Have a good rest of the week, Lori! xo

    1. I rarely nap either, but my thyroid is messed up and I have been exhausted lately. Hopefully that changes soon. My doctor increased my medication.

  5. I'm not sure napping would work for me....I lay down and my mind starts going 100 miles an hour. Health things would bess with me too.


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