
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tuesday 4 Meme- Summertime



 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4  July is here and summer is underway.  

1. What are you doing for the  4th of July holiday? If you don't celebrate what plans do you have that day?  My dog Meisha is very afraid of fireworks, so we stay home and close to her so she has us there when the big booms start.   We just bought a new washer and dryer, so I think  Karl is going to get the old ones out of the house that day and I can clean up the laundry room and get it ready for the new ones being delivered next Tuesday.

2. Are you planning a holiday , get away or just day trips  this summer? Where will you go?  What will you do?  I went to St. Louis a few weeks ago for several days for a teacher conference, but there were 10 of us there and we had so much fun.  We went bowling one night and we ate at nice restaurants.  We stayed at a really nice hotel by the arch.  Unfortunately, that was probably my vacation.  It was fun though.  We learned a lot too.

3. Do you  like to go out for ice cream in summer or do you just eat it at home? What flavor and what brand gets your endorsement?  I am not super picky with ice cream.  I think we get Blue Bunny.  We have butter pecan, cookies and cream and brownie ice cream right now.  It is funny, we only seem to buy ice cream in the summer.  We go out sometimes for ice cream too.  Not that often.

4. What activities are most enjoyable for you in the summertime? travel?  reading? movies? gardening? beach time?   reading is what I enjoy in the summer.  I need to be getting ready for school though...making daily schedule, etc.

If you are reading, do you have some books chosen?  I am currently reading This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune and a teacher book called No Drama Discipline.


  1. Hi Lori, It is hard to see how the fireworks scare our furbabies. Your get away with your friends sounds like fun! Nice that you are getting a new washer and dryer! Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  2. I've been reading a lot this summer--but looking at your titles I haven't read any of them!

  3. Your teacher conference sounds like it was great fun and almost as good as a vacation!! Hope your sweet pup doesn't get too upset with the fireworks going off. It even bothers my kitties sometimes - as does big thunder booms. A new washer & dryer is on my list of needs but a new refrigerator has to come first. xo

  4. Hi Lori! It was fun to read your answers. I didn't know you lived by St. Louis. We lived over across the river in Fairview Height, Illinois for five years. What grade do you teach? I teach high school English and hopefully will be retiring in a year or two. St. Louis is a fun place. We enjoyed living there and became AVID Cardinals fans. Glad to hear that your summer is going well. See you again soon!

  5. It is so sad when dogs get so afraid. The conference sounds like fun. Its so nice to stay in a lovely hotel and get some fun in as well. Happy summer and so glad you join in.

  6. I enjoyed your answers. Sorry your dog doesn't like the fireworks.


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