
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Tuesday 4 Meme-Marriage



1. How did you meet your husband/wife?  Church.  We were in 

church choir and our friends kept trying to get us to go out.  I was 

not wanting to get into a relationship, but you know how things go.

2. How did you know he/she was “the one”?  He is everything I ever 

wanted.  I wanted a man who could take care of me

and that was godly...he is all of those things.  We have

a lot of fun together too.  I am not sure how I knew

 he was "the one".  

3. How did he propose?  He just asked me  if I would marry

him.  In his defense, he was so nervous.  It was not a production.

4. Do you have any favorite stories from your marriage or about

 your husband/wife?  not any favorite stories, just a nice life

 together and a great son.


  1. When we renewed our vows at our 25th, we had the wedding we wanted, much smaller with a DJ! Friends from church helped us so it kept the expense down.

  2. I loved all of your answers today!!!
    Have a great Tuesday my friend.

  3. We had a small wedding and I really only did that for my parents. I'm so glad we didn't have a big wedding. I would have hated it too!

  4. Lori,

    I liked reading your questions. I decided to join this meme and just now updated today's post to reflect my answers. :) If I had to do the wedding thing over then I think we'd just elope. That would be less stressful and not expensive. My poor parents didn't have the money but they did it anyhow for us. Have a terrific Tuesday!


  5. your answers are so much shorter than mine... maybe I was too longwinded but I had fun answering...I agree on the big wedding statement! LeeAnna

  6. People either love big weddings or they hate them! Its great you have what you always wanted :)

  7. Fun questions and answers from everyone today! Our wedding was very small and not fancy at all. It was the second for both of us. We didn't need to spend a lot of money and go crazy. I'm sure you have great photos of your big wedding!

  8. I’m glad we did our wedding our way, the ceremony was private, and reception was a large fun party. It suited us best. Have a blessed new week and a happy marriage!

  9. My dad actually offered us money to elope, but I said no. I wanted my big wedding and I'm so glad we had it. My grandfather died 2 months later and it was the last time we ever had all of our families together with no one missing.

  10. I love your answer for #4. A nice life is the best!


  11. I love that you meet in church. It all sounds perfect.


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